bundled_klay ============ Use one of these if you are using our KGraph format and want to include a single jar. klay-VERSION.jar Bundle containing layouters klay.force, klay.layered and klay.tree with KIELER dependencies, but no EMF or Google Guava. klay-VERSION-deps.jar Same as above but with EMF and Google Guava. libs ==== Layouters klay.force, klay.layered, and klay.tree with all dependencies as separate jars. If you want full control and/or use only one of the layouters, get these. libs.zip ======== Zipped libs folder for convenient download. libsFormatsAdditions ==================== Additionally needed jars to use our JSON importer. If you are using JSON instead of KGraph as input format, use these together with the jars from 'libs'. libsFormatsAdditions.zip ======================== Zipped libsFormatsAdditions folder for convenient download.