
KIELER Meeting 10-06-28

Pages linking to Meetings/Meet-2010-06-28:

Present: rvh, haf, cmot, msp, atr, pkl, ckru, jjc, tam, mmu, abl,

Release 0.3

  • SyncCharts? migration has made progress, but not 100% finished
  • OGDF layouters integration has to be completed
  • Xtext grammars have to be adapted


  • Don't wait for Xtext grammars, release as soon as the important parts of the SyncCharts? migration are done.
  • Task for next week: evaluate Helios for Release 0.3


  • Demonstration of the current state of the Graphiti editor for KAOM by atr
  • Task: evaluate how all the nice GMF features can be implemented with Graphiti

Mylin Trac

  • Demonstration of the new Trac connector for Mylyn by msp