
Attendees: nks, atr, ckru, rvh, msp, haf, mmu, pkl, bdu, mri, ima, jjc

  • Problems with Helios
    • Isn't possible to close KIELER ... but not always, maybe depends on activated plugins
    • Small things in editors doesn't work -> Regenerate them
    • Fix Helios issues this week so we can release
    • New OGDF version works with Helios and Linux (but big problems e.g. with macOS)
      • In general, Java has problems with using C++ (in which OGDF is implemented)
      • Since OGDF releases don't take place very often, it might be worthwhile to fix all the problems
        • One possibility: create a "bridge/wrapper" in C (but would have to be changed every time the API is changed)
        • Second possibilty: Do it as it was done with graphviz (but it would massively decrease the performance)
        • Maybe it is necessary to think of a new approach for graphviz and OGDF
        • haf: Maybe speed things up by precaching layout mechanisms
        • Could ask the developers for help
        • Current situation:
  • First step in KIEM (see #879)
    • If you want to simulate the first step, what button would you press and what action would you expect?
    • rvh: Would press | >
    • haf: Problem is, we don't have step zero (A step to enter initial signals etc.)
    • One option: press II for step 0, but that's not very intuitive. II should be disabled if not simulating
    • Pressing on | > should start with step zero.
  • Label vs. ID
    • Question: Do we want state IDs different from label, e.g. on naming conflicts?
    • First proposal: If the label is not empty and if there is no state at this hierachy level that has this label as ID then the ID will be the label. Else the ID is label_(count)
    • Should labels be allowed to be a number (or be anything)? Problem with xtext, ID data type can't start with numbers. Maybe function that turns labels in allowed IDs.
    • Right now, it is intended to be possible to see the differences of states, especially in the ID.
      • rvh: You might want to have states with the same label which are different.
    • Second proposal:
      • Given state s with label l;
      • Output: ID s.t.
        1. ID is valid identifier (no blanks, starts with word character)
        2. ID is unique at hierarchy level
      • Steps:
        1. tmp = string2validId(l)
          • replace blanks with "_"
          • if starts with non-word character, start with "_"
        2. id = validId2uniqueId(tmp)
          • if tmp is not unique, use tmpCnt, with Cnt >= 2, Cnt minimal
  • Save actions (pkl)
    • Eclipse feature for editors, actions which will be triggered when you save in an editor
    • See Project properties -> <Desired Editor> -> Save Actions
  • New Helios features
    • There are some videos about new stuff
    • New feature: Eclipse marketplace (on long term, maybe add KIELER to this)