
Meeting Aug-08-2011

Discussion about git. Trade off additional functionality vs. switching effort away from svn.

  • One issue: cooperation with partners.
    • MENGES - partners use svn to get KIELER.
    • Coauthors for papers
  • Decision: tig will create initial git variant of KIELER. Others (eg msp) will evaluate. chsch will look at effects this would have on MENGES, will also talk to wha group members (rju).

Presentation by Matthias Schmeling (ETAS).

  • Activities of the non-vacationing guys during the last two weeks.
    • chsch: mainly attended meetings, wrote wiki pages ...
    • pkl: worked on State Machines and "Regelbloecke" (Wenn-Dann-Diagramme)
    • mri: demo Light diagram view. Graphiti diagrams rendered with piccolo. Very smooth and fast animation.
      chsch: pkl and mri have to work closely together (rvh: communication much easier if people work in the lab instead of from home ...)
      --> Edges seem to be shifted/rounded down a bit (#1742).
      --> No layout view (yet). Issue: must decide whether layout view is for editor or for Light diagram.
      • msp: would be interesting to see larger diagrams, to compare performance with GMF.
    • Currently can select nodes, but not edges. The latter might be helpful eg for MENGES.
      --> funny behavior of node size when zooming - nodes get smaller as rest of diagrams gets larger (#1743).

rvh: presentation of new topic, "extracting data flow diagrams from annotated C programs", inspired from discussion with Prof. G. Schmidt (Electrical Engineering, Signal Processing Group)