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Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Trains are positioned on the tracks they are standing on
    • The environment visualization moves trains to the correct path and position on that path using the values of train_track, train_branch and train_pos.
    • The controller visualization moves trains to the middle of the track they are standing on, based on the value of the position array
  • If a train is not setup to stand on the railway (track is greater than 100), the train will be set to be invisible
  • Colors show the track speeds
    • red, yellow and pink are used for power in the main travel direction
    • red: 100..120, yellow: 80..100, pink: 1..80
    • blue, purple and green are used for power against the main travel direction
    • blue: -100..-120, purple: -80..-100, green: -1..-80
    • a speed value of 0 will show the normal track as it is in the SVG file
    • this animation is created by changing the stroke size and color of the paths on the track
  • Colors show the state of points and lamps
    • points that are STRAIGHT are visualized with a white background
    • points that are BRANCHED are visualized with a green background
    • lamps that are OFF have a transparent background
    • lamps that are ON have a yellow background
  • Colors show the state of contacts
    • contacts that are ON have a big green stroke added to them (big enough to be visible even if a train is shown above that contact)
    • contacts that are OFF are shown as in the SVG image
  • The fill color of signals is transparent, if that signal is off and visible if it is on
  • A sonic beam is visible around the bell if the bell is ON
  • Error labels are shown for each train as well as each wagon
  • An additional error label is shown if a collision occurs


An SVG file has been created, in which the elements that are animated have a unique Id. The Model Railway Track Layout svg has been choosen for this task, because it shows a more detailed view of the railway, in contrast to the Model Railway Track Scheme.

For details see the Model Railway Layout SVG.

The KiVis File Templates
