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Die möglichen Themen sind im Folgenden thematisch gruppiert. Die Zahlen vor der Themenbeschreibung stehen für Prioritäten. Je kleiner die Zahl, desto wichtiger ist uns das Thema.


Table of Contents

Automatic Graph Layout

Advisors: Sören Domrös, Max Kasperowski, Reinhard von Hanxleden.


Die Entwicklung geschieht im Eclipse Layout Kernel-Projekt (kurz ELK), einem offiziellen Eclipse-Projekt welches hauptsächlich wir betreuen und weiter entwickeln. Ergebnisse in diesem Bereich fließen damit einer tatsächlich existierenden Nutzerbasis zu.

Modeling Pragmatics

Advisors: Sören Domrös, Niklas Rentz, Reinhard von Hanxleden



Further possible thesis topics can be found in ELK's GitHub repository. Note, however, that some issues there may already be worked on.

Modeling Pragmatics

Advisors: Niklas Rentz, Reinhard von Hanxleden


Semantics, Synchronous Languages and Model-based Design


Synchronous languages are well-established for the design of embedded, in particular safety-critical systems. One of our research areas concerns the further development of such languages and their efficient compilation. Specifically, we explore the paradigm of "sequential constructiveness" for reconciling familiar, imperative programming concepts with the sound grounding of synchronous languages. One language we have developed to try out and validate our concepts is the SCCharts language, which keeps evolving and thus offers many opportunities for student theses.

SCCharts Code Generation & Optimizations

  • Optimization of the SCCharts compiler/transformations (Bachelor/Master)
    Profile the actual SCCharts compiler/transformations and apply optimizations; also evaluate the possibility to use multiple cores for compilation.
  • Javascript code generation (Bachelor/Master)
    Implement a javascript code generation for SCCharts. Integrate with simulation and (environment) visualization to deploy a complete example as standalone web page. Compare with HipHop.js based on Esterel.

SCCharts Simulation


Safety Analysis

Advisors: Jette Petzold, Reinhard v. Hanxleden
