
As finding external papers referenced in cau-rt.bib can be tedious, the Rtsys Group maintains a digital library under /home/biblio/library. Note that some of these works may be copyrighted. Generally, they are for strictly personal/scientific use.

Files, file naming

The papers stored in the Digital Library (DL) should be a subset of the papers indexed in the bibliography file  cau-rt.bib. The general naming convention is <bibkey>.pdf. For example, Harel's classic Statechart paper has the key Harel87 and is in file Harel87.pdf.

Adding papers

If you add an entry to cau-rt.bib you should put the referenced paper under /home/biblio/library named as <key>.pdf where <key> is the BibTeX-key. This can be simplified by using a simple shell function. The following should be added to your personal .bashrc:

putpaper() { scp $1.pdf biblio@…:./library;}

Now putpaper abcd uploads abcd.pdf to /home/biblio/library.

Furthermore you should add a 'DL' (after your login and the date of adding the entry) to the corresponding BibTeX entry to make clear that the paper can be found in the digital library, and the URL from where you downloaded it. Example:

% rvh 2003-08-22 DL % @Article{Harel87, ...

Getting papers

If you want to retrieve a stored paper the following shell function might help:

getpaper() { scp biblio@…:./library/$1.pdf .;}

Now getpaper abcd fetches abcd.pdf from the library and puts it in your current working directory.