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titleXtext tutorials

The two Xtend tutorials are stand-alone tutorials. You do not need to do the Xtend I tutorial in order to perform the Xtend II tutorial. Ask your supervisor which tutorial suits you best.

Welcome to the second tutorial about Xtend. This time, you will take imperative language models and generate code for them in your favourite programming language. While we personally recommend Java, there's nothing stopping you from generating C code, PHP code, or anything else the constructs of our simple language model can be transformed into. We would just like to ask you to refrain from generating code in any esoteric programming language... (wink)


You should already have everything you need for this tutorial providing you finished the first part Xtend Ia 1a - Model Transformations:

  • The Turing Machine metamodel you created in the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) tutorial or the one you downloaded.
  • The Imperative Programming Language metamodel you downloaded in the previous tutorial.
  • The Turing-Machine-to-Imperative-Programming-Language transformation you developed in the previous tutorial.
