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The KIELER project provides two VS Code extensions klighd-vscode (TODO link) and keith-vscode (TODO link) for a diagram view (D) with several options (E) and a language server with compilation and simulation support.

The language server provided by keith-vscode is consumed by klighd-vscode to also work as a diagram server.

Table of Contents


VS Code extensions: TODO

Using the VS Code extensions

Download the two vsix files and install them in your VS Code via Install from VSIX in the view title menu of your Extensions view.

Open a workspace or a folder that contains the files you want to work on.

Open a supported file such as a '.strl', '.lus', 'elkt', 'kgt', or 'sctx' file in your workspace. As a next step should open the diagram view via Open in Diagram the editor context menu (i.e. right click on the editor) or the editor title menu (C) (big bar on top with two small bars below on the top right of your active editor with a supported file type).

The current model in the current editor can be compiled by entering Compile current model with... in the command palette (F1). Alternatively, this command can be accessed by clicking on the compile icon (C) in the editor title menu (file with cogs on the top right of the active editor).

As a result a quickpick menu opens that allows to select the desired compilation chain. The result of the selected compilation is shown the the diagram view (D). All different compilation snapshots can be seen in the KIELER Compiler tree-view (A) in the KIELER view container.


Note that you can compile with a simulation system, e.g. Netlist-based Simulation (C). The result can be simulated by clicking the play button in the diagram view.

The current model in the current editor can be simulated by entering Simulate current model with... in the command palette (F1). Alternatively, this command can be accessed by clicking on the simulation icon (C) in the editor title menu (play button on the top right of the active editor).

As a result a quickpick menu opens that allows to select the desired simulation chain. After selecting a simulation chain the simulation is executed. All inputs and outputs can be seen in the KIELER simulation tree-view. Next to each variable the current value is displayed (at start the current value is not defined and is, therefore, not visible). By clicking on a variable, the history of their values open. One can change an input value by either clicking on their history or via the context menu (right-click) of the item. This opens a command palette dialog to change to value.

The simulation controls (step, pause, run) are accessible via the view title menu of the KIELER simulation view (see TODOB)


The Statusbar (see TODOG) shows the current status of simulation and compilation.

All infos, warnings, and errors that occur during compilation or simulation are logged to the corresponding KIELER output channels (F).

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Modeling SCCharts

See Quick Start Guide#ModelingSCCharts for details.

Known Problems