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  • Control flow graph layout
    Connect the KIELER layout algorithms to an external tool for control flow graphs used in compiler development.
  • SyncCharts and actor model visualization
    Develop an integrated viewer for SyncCharts and KAOM models using KLighD, including view management techniques such as focus & context and structure-based editing.
  • Validation manager for models
    Develop an integrated, flexible and generic validation framework for models (e.g. Esterel or SyncCharts).
  • Railway track layout
    Use KLighD to visualize railway tracks.
  • Transformation from SyncCharts to Esterel
    Develop a transformation in Xtend2 to generate Esterel code for SyncCharts.
  • Instruments for data visualization
    Develop visualizations of data values (e.g. through charts) and integrate them in the KIELER environment.
  • Multicore Layout
    Find good ways of distributing layout tasks in hierarchical diagrams to the different cores of multicore CPUs. Also, evaluate when a multithreaded approach starts to make sense, and how best to implement it.

Master Topics

  • Expression language and modularization
    Develop an expression language with a type system for SyncCharts. Implement modularization of SyncCharts models.
  • FPGA Statecharts
    Development of a Statecharts editor, based on .NET, WPF, MS Silverlight. Synthesis onto FPGAs with a data-flow-based intermediate format.
  • Quartz
    Integrate the synchronous Quartz language into KIELER for validation purposes and teaching.
  • Esterel / SyncCharts Validation
    Automate the validation for a (generic) SyncCharts simulator employing the Esterel simulator and the Esterel to SyncCharts transformation.