Page tree

Versions Compared


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The Hardwarecontrol should give an abstraction for controlling the Hardware which also makes sure some of the base rules apply.Tasks/Rules the Hardwarecontrol should manage:


  • train tracking
  • block locking/crash avoidance
  • speed control: slow down(/speed up?)/parking in a segment
  • same speed policy (same speed on all tracks beneath a train)
  • automatic signal management
  • automatic point branching


Interacting parts

The track is split up into the track into following smaller interacting parts to achive this:



1 Track, 2 Points, has 1 incoming, 2 outgoing and 1 bi-directional track where outgoing trains come from the main track and incoming go to the side track

Segment1 Track, 2 Contacts, 1 Signal


Segment_bid (bi-directional)


1 Track, 2 Contacts, 2 Signals




1 Track




1 Track




1 Point with 2 incoming and 1 outgoing tracks




1 Point with 1 incoming and 2 outgoing tracks




1 Point, 2 to 1 bi-directional point




1 Track, 2 Points, has 2 incoming, 1 outgoing and 1 bi-directional track where incoming trains get on the main track and outgoing come from the side track




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The differenciation of bi-directional and uni-directional Elements is done to have simpler Parts for the unidirectional parts.
