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  • Model Transformation with Xtend

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Table of Contents

Model Transformation

TODO: Write this sectionThe first half of this tutorial will be all about the metamodel of the simple programming language.


Let's start by generating the model code and familiarizing ourselves with the metamodel:

  1. Download the metamodel (TODO: INSERT META MODEL LINK)
  2. Add a new plug-in project for the metamodel, import the ecore file, and generate a diagram for it.
  3. Familiarize yourself with the model. It basically follows the typical structure of common programming languages. In fact, if you're a bit familiar with the abstract syntax of Java, you should feel right at home. (If not, this might be an excellent opportunity to learn a bit about Java's abstract syntax – knowing about this kind of stuff will deepen your understanding of the language.)
  4. Generate code from the metamodel.

Writing the Transformation

Now that you have code-generated (yes, that's a verb) the metamodel it's time to start working on your transformation:

  1. Add a new plug-in project de.cau.cs.rtprak.login.compiler to your workspace. Be sure to uncheck the option This plug-in will make contributions to the UI. Add dependencies to the two projects containing the Turing Machine metamodel and the programming language metamodel.
  2. Add an Xtend Class to your project. The class should be placed in a subpackage where all the transformation code will go, such as de.cau.cs.rtprak.login.compiler.transform.
  3. You will notice that your new class is marked with an error marker because of a missing dependency of the new plug-in project to org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib. If you hover over the error with your mouse, you can have Eclipse add all libraries required by Xtend to your project.
  4. Define an entry method for the transformation that takes a TuringMachine instance as an argument and returns a Program. You can use the following definition as a starting point:

    Code Block
     * Transforms a given Turing Machine into an imperative program model.
     * @param machine the Turing Machine to transform into an imperative
     *                program.
     * @return a program model that implements the Turing Machine. 
    def Program transformTuringToImperative(TuringMachine machine) {
        // Create the program we will transform the Turing Machine into
        val program = ImperativeFactory::eINSTANCE.createProgram()
        // TODO: Initialize program appropriately
        // TODO: Call methods that generate the Program model
        // Return the transformed program

    There's a few points to note here:

    • Lines in Xtend code don't have to and with a semicolon.
    • We have been explicit about the method's return type, but we could have easily omitted it, letting Xtend infer the return type.
    • The keyword val declares a constant, while var declares a variable. Try to make do with constants where possible.
    • The methods you call should be declared as def private since they are implementation details and shouldn't be called by other classes.
  5. Add code to transform the Turing Machine to an imperative program model. The imperative program metamodel contains enough stuff to implement Turing Machines.

Code Generation

TODO: Write this section.
