Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Find out what's new in the upcoming V2 release of SCCharts!

Table of Contents

What is new to SCCharts?

Controlflow / Dataflow Hybrid-Models

Semantic Comments

New Reference / Module Support

For Region


New Expressions

  • Expression language now supports infix assignment operators
  • Expression language now supports bitwise xor and bitwise not
  • Expression language now supports shift operators
  • Expression language now supports the ternary conditional operator

New Transformations

New Annotations & Pragmas

  • Unicode pragmas

SCCharts Syntax Changes

  • Primes can be used in identifier
  • Hostcode now uses accent grave (`)
  • Function call syntax with angle brackets is considered deprecated. It can still be accessed with the extern keyword
  • Semicolon now exclusively stands for the sequence operator. By default you don't need a semicolon as line/command delimiter.

New Code Generation

  • The code generation now creates functions that can handle different status instances of a program.
  • You can toggle additional debug comments which are printed as comments into the generated code.

What is new to the KIELER SCCharts workflow?

New Warnings & Errors

  • Detailed reference warnings
  • Label shadowing

Project Management

Working with SCCharts now integrates better in the Eclipse workflow by providing new wizards and an incremental project builder.


The new incremental project builder replaced the KiCo launch configuration that was used before to compile models and generate wrapper code.

Integrated Simulation

The simulation backend has been rewritten to be more lightweight, flexible and transparent and to better integrate in the workflow.


  • simulation of multiple models at once that interact with each other
  • starting the simulation with precompiled executables
  • support for arrays
  • more user friendly interaction with the simulation
  • a DSL (kisim files) to configure complex simulation setups

Simulation Visualization

The current state of a running simulation can be displayed by setting attributes of elements in an SVG image. For instance it is possible to set the color or position of elements based on the value of a variable in the simulation.
Furthermore it is possible to interact with SVG elements to control the simulation and set variable values. This way it is possible to define buttons in the SVG to play, pause, step or stop the simulation, as well as setting variables.

To use these features, an SVG image has to be created, in which the elements that should be animated must have a unique id. Afterwards the interactions and animations for these elements are defined using a DSL (kivis files).

Interactive Model-Based Compiler

What is new for SCCharts developer?