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  • Control Flow Graph Exploration / Visualization
    Use pragmatics concepts (automatic layout, focus & context) for exploring/visualizing control flow graphs and specific paths, eg. as computed by OTAWA WCET analysis tool, eg. using Klighd.
  • Incremental Update for Klighd
    Incremental update of Klighd data structure after editing.
  • OMG DD Format
    Explore the mapping of KGraph / KRendering to the Diagram Definition format of the OMG.
  • SyncCharts and Actor Model Visualization
    Develop an integrated viewer for SCCharts / SyncCharts and KAOM models using KLighD, including view management techniques such as focus & context and structure-based editing.
  • Visualizing Model Edits/Changes
    Develop and implement methods to visualize a model while it is edited. A particular concern here is the preservation of the mental map.

Semantics and Synchronous Languages
