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titleDEADLINE 13.05.

At the end of this summer term a railway controller modelled in SCCharts should exist that is able to control the model railway installation. What exactly control means is up to you!

Define your project goals! Therefore...

  • Define the desired capabilities of your controller.
  • Devide your project in several subprojects. Organize the whole team in subteams and determine who is responsible for what.
  • Define interfaces between the subteams and/or components the subteams are responsible of.
  • Create a detailed roadmap with milestones for each subproject.

You are going to present your plan in a short presentation (latex beamer preferred) in the following week, 13.05. 12:30. The presentation should last 30 min.

Remember, you are going to present your controller at the end of the summer term! Getting this task done right is a very important step to succeed with your controller and this project!


The following goals were defined:

  • At least 5 trains can drive on the track at the same time
  • A "cleanup" function for trains should drive all trains to their original position
  • Our test scenarios should work (see Test-Scenarios)
  • The trains slow down before braking
  • All signals are working correctly
  • Gates should close, when a train is coming, and open again afterwards

Additionally the following optional goals were defined:

  • Deadlock avoidance: Trains should never run into a deadlock
  • Cleanup function: All Trains which are still on the track travel to their next destination and afterwards they take the shortest way home
  • Trains should drive slowly at the points



Sample Pass for one Track
