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bool <track>_req[<trainAmount>] contains the requests for each track and train. Before the availability of arrays, we used bool <train>_<track>_req.
int <track>_perm contains the trainnumber of the train, who is allowed to drive on <track>.

C Controller

The C controller wraps the basic railway interface and creates an correct environment to run the generated controller.

Make Script

A make script written in Python is located in rail-repo: code/

This script will compiel the whole controller for simulation or real railway and optionally executes it.

Calling python without further command-line arguments will print a help message with all available command line options.

Make Script Features:

  • Header-file will be included automatically

Results are located in rail-repo: code/build/

Railway Interface

Provided functions are defined in rail-repo: code/hostcode/controller.h


Quit, Pause and Cleanup

Quit, pause and cleanup functionality is handled in the c interface.
