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Comment: Removed write lock, Added station times


  • debug - true if the controller is set to verbose debug output, false otherwise
  • cleanup - true after cleanup mode has been engaged, false before that point
  • pause - true while the controller is paused, false otherwise
  • write - true if receiving client has write access, false otherwise
  • trainCount - an integer with the number of active trains on the railway
  • trains - a JSON Array with the data of all trains, each entry is a JSON Object with these values
    • trainNum - the individual controller number of the trainwaiting - boolean value, true if the train is waiting in a station, false otherwise  StatuscolourRedtitleRemoved
    • waitTime - (integer) remaining milliseconds until departure (0 if not waiting)  StatuscolourYellowtitlechanged
    • spdSlow - the integer PWM value of this train while driving slow
    • spdCaution - the integer PWM value of this train while driving caution
    • spdNormal - the integer PWM value of this train while driving normally
    • currentIndex - an integer describing the current position in the schedule
    • stationTimes - a flat array of the form [station1_minTime, station1_maxTime, station2_minTime, station2_maxTime, ...]. The order of the stations is defined by the order in the table below but the KH (reverse) tracks are omitted.
    • schedule - a JSON Array of integer values, representing the station tracks, encoded in the following fashion


      9KH_ST_117KH_ST_1 (reverse)25IC_ST_133OC_ST_1
      10KH_ST_218KH_ST_2 (reverse)26IC_ST_234OC_ST_2
      11KH_ST_319KH_ST_3 (reverse)27IC_ST_335OC_ST_3
      12KH_ST_420KH_ST_4 (reverse)    
      13KH_ST_521KH_ST_5 (reverse)    
  • locks - a JSON Array containing the current value of the track permissions, ordered by the default encoding (Hoermann API)
  • tickTime - Time consumption of tick function. 3 element array [min,avg,max].
  • overallTime -  Time consumption of overall controller loop. 3 element array [min,avg,max].


  • STATUS - Poll for the current status, should trigger a status reply message
  • SHUTDOWN - Causing the controller to end the program and close all sockets
  • LOGOUT - Closing the connection, leaving the controller running
  • PAUSE - suspend or resume the controller, must supply additional payload
    • state - boolean value, true if controller should be suspended
  • WRITE - Acquire write access mutex to the controller
  • CLEANUP (write) - Start the cleanup procedure, sending the trains back to their home tacks
  • DEBUG (write) - enable or disable verbose output, must supply additional payload
    • state - boolean value, true if verbose output should be activated
  • LIGHT (write) - activate or deactivate the lights on the railway, must supply additional payload
    • state - boolean value, true if lights should be lit
  • WAIT (write) - Force a train to wait in the next station, must supply additional payload
    • train - integer train identification
  • START (write) - Force a waiting train to immediately abort the waiting timer, must supply additional payload
    • train - integer train identification
  • SCHEDULE (write) - Set the new schedule for a train, needs additional payload
    • train - integer train identification
    • currentIndex - current integer position in the schedule array
    • tracks - a JSON Array of integer values, representing the station tracks in encoding above
  • SPEED (write)- Change the speed settings of a train, needs additional payload
    • train - integer train identification
    • speeds - JSON Array with three integer values spdSlow, spdCaution, spdNormal
  • TIME (write) - Change the waiting times for a train
    • train - integer train identification
    • times - a flat array of the form [station1_minTime, station1_maxTime, station2_minTime, station2_maxTime, ...]. The order of the stations is defined by the order in the table above but the KH (reverse) tracks are omitted.
      titleNew definition