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Code Block
// Structure of a Station-2-Station controller from Station * to Station *
scchart STST " * to * Controller " {

  // Set of permission variables for required tracks
  input int *_perm;

  // Set of request variables for required tracks for 11 trains
  output bool *_req[11];

  // Train number
  input int trainNum;

  // Number of the departure track in a station
  input int depTrack;

  // Number of the destination track in a station
  input int destTrack;

  // Cleanup flag for selecting the destination track
  input bool cleanup;

  // Debug flag for additional output
  input bool debug;

  // Arrival track
  output int arrTrack;

  // Variable with value for arrTrack for selecting correct station elements
  int i_arrOnTrack;
  // Handles departing from a station *
  initial state *_ST {
    // hostcode call for additional output when debug
    entry debug / 'println([trainNum][ST-ST] ... )';
    // State, which sets requests for needed tracks
    initial state waitForPerm {
        entry / *_ST_4_req[trainNum] = true;
        entry / *_LN_0_req[trainNum] = true;
    // Transition is taken, if all permissions are received
    --> gotPerm with (*_ST_4_perm == trainNum) & (*_LN_0_perm == trainNum)
    // Transition is taken, if some (not all) permissions are received
    --> backOff with (*_ST_4_perm == trainNum) | (*_LN_0_perm == trainNum);
    // State for waiting an additional tick when not all permissions are received
    state backOff
    --> backOff1;
    // State, which releases the requests for needed tracks
    state backOff1 {
        entry / *_ST_4_req[trainNum] = false;
        entry / *_LN_0_req[trainNum] = false;
    // Transition to repeat requesting permissions procedure
    --> waitForPerm;
    final state gotPerm;
  // Transition to the departure state
  >-> Dep_*_ST;
  // State, which handles the departure of a train
  state Dep_*_ST {
    // Set of entry-Actions with hostcode calls to set tracks, points and signals according to depTrack
    entry / 'railPoint(*,STRAIGHT)';
    entry / 'railSignal(*_LN_0, FWD, RED)';
    entry / 'railTrack(*_LN_0,FWD,trainNum,NORMAL)';
    entry / 'railTrack(*_ST_4,FWD,trainNum,NORMAL)';
    entry depTrack == 1 / 'railSignal(*_ST_1, FWD, GREEN)';
    entry depTrack == 2 / 'railSignal(*_ST_2, FWD, GREEN)';
    entry depTrack == 3 / 'railSignal(*_ST_3, FWD, GREEN)';
  // Transition to next track segment, if contact is triggered
  } --> *_LN_0 with 'railContact(*_LN_0,0)';

  // .....................................................................................
  // Set of track segment controlling states such as follows
  // .....................................................................................
  // Transition to next track segment, if contact is triggered
  state *_LN_0 {
    // Hostcode calls for outputs
    entry / 'println("[trainNum][ST-ST] Entering *_LN_0")';
    entry debug / 'println("[trainNum][ST-ST] Requesting permission for *_LN_1")';
    // Entry-Actions with hostcode calls to set previous signal according to depTrack to RED
    entry depTrack == 1 / 'railSignal(*_ST_1, FWD, RED)';
    entry depTrack == 2 / 'railSignal(*_ST_2, FWD, RED)';
    entry depTrack == 3 / 'railSignal(*_ST_3, FWD, RED)';
    // Requesting the next track segment
    entry / *_LN_1_req[trainNum] = true;
    // Region for handling train driving
    region Travel:
      initial state Entry
      // Transition to continuing state, if permitted
      --> Continue with 'railContact(*_LN_0,0)' & (*_LN_1_perm == trainNum)
      // Transition to slowing down else
      --> Slowdown with 'railContact(*_LN_0,0)';
      // State for slowing down the train
      state Slowdown {
        entry debug / 'println("[trainNum][ST-ST] Slowing down on *_LN_0")';
        // Entry-Action with hostcode calls for slowing down the train
        entry / 'railTrack(*_LN_0,FWD,trainNum,CAUTION)';
      // Transition to waiting state
      --> Waiting with 'railContact(*_LN_0,1)'
      // Transition to continuing state, if permitted
      --> Continue with *_LN_1_perm == trainNum;
      // State for train waiting on permission
      state Waiting {
        entry debug / 'println("[trainNum][ST-ST] Stopping on *_LN_0")';
        // Entry-Action with hostcode call for stopping the train
        entry / 'railTrackBrake(*_LN_0)';
      --> Continue with *_LN_1_perm == trainNum;
      // State to continuing driving on the track
      final state Continue {
        entry debug / 'println("[trainNum][ST-ST] Continuing on *_LN_0")';
        // Entry-Actions with hostcode calls to set tracks and signals for driving
        entry / 'railSignal(*_LN_0,FWD,GREEN)';
        entry / 'railTrack(*_LN_0,FWD,trainNum,NORMAL)';
        entry / 'railTrack(*_LN_1,FWD,trainNum,NORMAL)';
        entry / 'railSignal(*_LN_1, FWD, RED)';
    // Region for handling cleanup functionalities
    region Cleanup:
      initial state Entry
      // Transition to cleanup state
      --> cleanup with 'railContact(*_LN_0,0)';
      // State for cleaning up the previous track segments
      final state cleanup {
        entry debug / 'println("[trainNum][ST-ST] Entered *_LN_0 completely")';
        // Entry-Action with hostcode call to switching off the previous track
        entry / 'railTrackOff(*_ST_4)';
        // Entry-Action to release the previous track
        entry / *_ST_4_req[trainNum] = false;
  // Transition to transitional state
  }>-> *_LN_0_*_LN_1;
  state *_LN_0_*_LN_1
  // Transition to next track segment, if contact is triggered
  --> *_LN_1 with 'railContact(*_LN_1,0)';
  // ..................................................................................

  // State for entering a station
  state *_LN_5 {
    // Variable for checking all needed permissions
    int perm_all_next_segments = false;
    entry / 'println("[trainNum][ST-ST] Entering *_LN_5")';
    entry / 'railSignal(*_LN_4, FWD, RED)';
    // Region for handling train driving such as above, 
    // only with perm_all_next_segments for permitting more than one track
    region Travel:
      initial state Entry
      --> Continue with 'railContact(*_LN_5,0)' & perm_all_next_segments
      --> Slowdown with 'railContact(*_LN_5,0)';
      state Slowdown {
        entry debug / 'println("[trainNum][ST-ST] Slowing down on *_LN_5")';
        entry / 'railTrack(*_LN_5,FWD,trainNum,CAUTION)';
      --> Waiting with 'railContact(*_LN_5,1)'
      --> Continue with perm_all_next_segments;
      state Waiting {
        entry debug / 'println("[trainNum][ST-ST] Stopping on *_LN_5")';
        entry / 'railTrackBrake(*_LN_5)';
      --> Continue with perm_all_next_segments;
      final state Continue {
        entry debug / 'println("[trainNum][ST-ST] Continuing on *_LN_5")';        
        entry i_arrOnTrack == 1 / 'railTrack(*_ST_1,FWD,trainNum,NORMAL)';
        entry i_arrOnTrack == 2 / 'railTrack(*_ST_2,FWD,trainNum,NORMAL)';
        entry i_arrOnTrack == 3 / 'railTrack(*_ST_3,FWD,trainNum,NORMAL)';
        entry / arrTrack = i_arrOnTrack;
    // Region for handling cleanup-functionalities such as above
    region Cleanup:
      initial state Entry
      --> cleanup with 'railContact(*_LN_5,0)';
      final state cleanup {
        entry debug / 'println("[trainNum][ST-ST] Entered *_LN_5 completely")';
        entry / 'railTrackOff(*_LN_4)';
        entry / *_LN_4_req[trainNum] = false;
    // Region for handling permissions of all needed tracks
    region Permissions:
      // State for requesting all needed tracks according to destination track and cleanup-Flag
      initial state checking {
        entry / *_ST_0_req[trainNum] = true;
        entry destTrack == 1 | !cleanup / *_ST_1_req[trainNum] = true;
        entry destTrack == 2 | !cleanup / *_ST_2_req[trainNum] = true;
        entry destTrack == 3 | !cleanup / *_ST_3_req[trainNum] = true;
      // Transitions for permitted tracks match wished tracks
      --> success with destTrack == 1 & *_ST_0_perm == trainNum & *_ST_1_perm == trainNum / i_arrOnTrack = 1
      --> success with destTrack == 2 & *_ST_0_perm == trainNum & *_ST_2_perm == trainNum / i_arrOnTrack = 2
      --> success with destTrack == 3 & *_ST_0_perm == trainNum & *_ST_3_perm == trainNum / i_arrOnTrack = 3
      // Transitions for permitted tracks don't match wished tracks
      --> success with *_ST_0_perm == trainNum & *_ST_1_perm == trainNum / i_arrOnTrack = 1
      --> success with *_ST_0_perm == trainNum & *_ST_2_perm == trainNum / i_arrOnTrack = 2
      --> success with *_ST_0_perm == trainNum & *_ST_3_perm == trainNum / i_arrOnTrack = 3
      // Transition for not all tracks permitted
      --> resolving with *_ST_0_perm == trainNum | *_ST_3_perm == trainNum | *_ST_2_perm == trainNum | *_ST_1_perm == trainNum;
      // State for waiting an additional tick
      state resolving
      --> resolving1;
      // State for releasing track requests
      state resolving1 {
        entry / *_ST_0_req[trainNum] = false;
        entry / *_ST_1_req[trainNum] = false;
        entry / *_ST_2_req[trainNum] = false;
        entry / *_ST_3_req[trainNum] = false;
	  // Transition for trying the requesting again
      --> checking;
      // State for waiting an additional tick
      state success
      --> success1;

      // State for releasing not used track requests
      final state success1 {
        entry !(i_arrOnTrack == 1) / *_ST_1_req[trainNum] = false;      
        entry !(i_arrOnTrack == 2) / *_ST_2_req[trainNum] = false;
        entry !(i_arrOnTrack == 3) / *_ST_3_req[trainNum] = false;
        // Settting perm_all_next_segments to true
        entry / perm_all_next_segments = true;
  // Transition to station entry states
  }>-> *_LN_5_*_ST;
  // State waiting for station entry
  state *_LN_5_*_ST
  --> Arr_*_ST with i_arrOnTrack == 1 & 'railContact(*_ST_1,0)'
   --> Arr_*_ST with i_arrOnTrack == 2 & 'railContact(*_ST_2,0)'
  --> Arr_*_ST with i_arrOnTrack == 3 & 'railContact(*_ST_3,0)';
  // State for setting tracks, points and signals according to i_arrOnTrack
  // and releasing previous track request
  state Arr_*_ST {
    entry / 'railSignal(*_LN_5, FWD, RED)';
    entry / 'railTrackOff(*_LN_5)';
    entry / 'railTrack(*_ST_0,FWD,trainNum,SLOW)';
    entry i_arrOnTrack == 1 / 'railTrack(*_ST_1,FWD,trainNum,SLOW)';
    entry i_arrOnTrack == 2 / 'railTrack(*_ST_2,FWD,trainNum,SLOW)';
    entry i_arrOnTrack == 3 / 'railTrack(*_ST_3,FWD,trainNum,SLOW)';
    entry / *_LN_5_req[trainNum] = false;
    initial state SlowEntry
    --> Slow with i_arrOnTrack == 1 & 'railContact(*_ST_1,0)'
    --> Slow with i_arrOnTrack == 2 & 'railContact(*_ST_2,0)'
    --> Slow with i_arrOnTrack == 3 & 'railContact(*_ST_3,0)';
    // State for switching off previous track and releasing the request
    state Slow {
      entry / 'railTrackOff(*_ST_0)';
      entry / *_ST_0_req[trainNum] = false;
    // Transitions to halt state, when train is at second contact of a track segment
    --> Halt with i_arrOnTrack == 1 & 'railContact(*_ST_1,1)'
    --> Halt with i_arrOnTrack == 2 & 'railContact(*_ST_2,1)'
    --> Halt with i_arrOnTrack == 3 & 'railContact(*_ST_3,1)';
    final state Halt {
      // Entry-Actions for braking the train on correct track
      entry i_arrOnTrack == 1 / 'railTrackBrake(*_ST_1)';
      entry i_arrOnTrack == 2 / 'railTrackBrake(*_ST_2)';
      entry i_arrOnTrack == 3 / 'railTrackBrake(*_ST_3)';
      // Entry-Actions for waiting for timer on correct track
      entry i_arrOnTrack == 1 / 'railArrival(trainNum, *_ST_1)';
      entry i_arrOnTrack == 2 / 'railArrival(trainNum, *_ST_2)';
      entry i_arrOnTrack == 3 / 'railArrival(trainNum, *_ST_3)';
  >-> done;
  state done
  // Transition to final state, if timer is ready
  --> reallyDone with 'railDeparture(trainNum)';
  final state reallyDone;