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  1. Go to your plugin to add a menu contribution. Open plugin.xml → Dependencies and add org.eclipse.ui if not on the list yet. Go to Extensions and add org.eclipse.ui.menus.
    1. Add a menuContribution element to the new extension and set "popup:org.eclipse.ui.popup.any?after=additions"  as as locationURI (without quotation marks).
    2. Add a command element to the menuContribution with the following attributes:
      • commandId: de.cau.cs.rtprak.login.setSimFile
      • label: Set Simulation File
    3. Add a visibleWhen element to the command, and add an iterate element to the visibleWhen with the following attributes:
      • operator: and
      • ifEmpty: false
    4. Add an adapt element to the iterate with the following attribute:
      • type: org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource
    5. Add a test element to the adapt with the following attributes:
      • property: org.eclipse.core.resources.extension
      • value: brainfuck (or your file extension if you have chosen another one)
    6. Add a new extension org.eclipse.ui.commands and add a command element to it with the following attributes:
      • id: de.cau.cs.rtprak.login.setSimFile
      • name: Set Simulation File
      • Click on defaultHandler to open a dialog for creation of a new handler class. Name the new class SetFileHandler and put it into some package of that plugin. Remove the suggested interface and set org.eclipse.core.commands.AbstractHandler as superclass instead.


  2. Create a command handler that loads the BF model from the selected file, calls the transformation on the model, and saves the newly generated BF program to a file with a different name (but same extension). You can use the following code as a template: (The code requires a dependency to to work.)

    Code Block
    public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException {
        ISelection selection = HandlerUtil.getCurrentSelection(event);
        if (selection instanceof IStructuredSelection) {
            Object element = ((IStructuredSelection) selection).getFirstElement();
            if (element instanceof IFile) {
                IFile bfFile = (IFile) element;
                // Load Turing Machine
                Brainfuck bfProgram = loadBrainfuckProgram(bfFile);
                // Call the transformation
                Injector injector = Guice.createInjector();
                ExtendedBrainfuckTransformation transformation =
                Program newBFProgram = transformation.transformExtendedBrainfuck(bfPRogram);
                // Save imperativebrainfuck program
                IFile newBFFile = bfFile.getParent().getFile(
                        new Path(bfFile.getName() + "2" + ".brainfuck"));
                saveBrainfuckProgram(newBFFile, newBFProgram);
                // Refresh the parent folder to have the new file show up in the UI
                try {
                    bfFile.getParent().refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_ONE, null);
                } catch (CoreException e) {
                    // Ignore
        return null;
     * Load the Brainfuck program model from the given file.
     * @param bfFile the file to load the Brainfuck program model.
     * @return the Brainfuck model.
     * @throws ExecutionException if the file couldn't be opened.
    private brainfuck loadBrainfuckProgram(IFile bfFile) throws ExecutionException {
        // TODO Implement.
     * Saves the given Brainfuck program.
     * @param bfFile the Brainfuck file to save the program to.
     * @param bfProgram the program to save.
     * @throws ExecutionException if there was an error saving the file.
    private void saveBrainfuckProgram(IFile bfFile, Program bfProgram) throws ExecutionException {
        // TODO Implement