Versions Compared


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Pure Signals: signals have a present status:

  • absent or present
  • must be set for input signals
  • computed for local and output signals:
    • for each tick absent by default unless signal is emitted
  • Example:
    • Emit signal S: S
    • Test for presence: S

Valued Signals:

  • are pure signals than additionally are able to store a value
  • values are persistent across ticks
  • Example:
    • Emit signal V with value 3: V(3)
    • Test for presence: V
    • Get the last emitted value of V: ?V


  • Are not shared between concurrent regions
  • Currently implemented by host type  variables


  • interface scope: events can either be ingoing (in event event)
    or outgoing (out event event).
  • local scope: events are able to store a value.
    internal: event localEvent : bool


  • variable:
    var variable: string
  • read-only variable:
    var readonly size: int = 10 
  • external variable: can be referenced by the environment
    var external variable: int = 44
    Q: Wo werden diese sichtbar? External variables are not used at the moment.
  • int
  • bool
  • string

  • pure: only makes sense for Signals. Signals are absent or present.
  • unsigned
  • float
  • double
  • host: no actual type is given. The given type in the hostType attribute is used.
  • integer
  • boolean 
  • string

  • real
  • void
    Q: Wird das Metamodell/Typsystem in Zukunft noch weitere Typen bereitstellen?New types are going to be added. A type system abstraction is present.

  • Logical AND: var1 && var2
  • Logical OR: var1 || var2
  • Logical NOT: !var1
    (A and B) or ((not C) and D) 
  • Logical AND: var1 && var2
  • Logical OR: var1 || var2
  • Logical NOT: !var1
  • Conditional Expression: var1 ? var2 : var3
    Q: Eventuell problematisch?
  • Equal: '='
  • Less Than: '<'
  • Equal Or Less Than: '<='
  • Greater Than: '>'
  • Equal Or Greater Than: '>='
  • NOT: '!='
  • ValueAdd: '?+'?B = 3
  • PREMinus : 'pre-'pre(B)
  • NEMultiply: '<>*'
  • ANDDivide: 'and/'
  • ORModulo: 'ormod'Add
  • Value: '+?'
    ?B = 3


  • PRE: '-pre':
  • Multiply: '*'
  • Divide: '/'
  • Modulo: 'mod
    pre(S):gives the presence status of S at
    the previous tick. 
    pre(?S):returns the value of S at the
    previous tick.
  • NE: '<>'
  • Equal: '=='
  • less than: '<'
  • Equal Or Less Than: '<='
  • Greater Than: '>'
  • Equal Or Greater Than '>='
  • Not Equal: '!='
  • Shift Left: '<<'
  • Shift Right: '>>'
  • Plus: '+'
  • Minus: '-'
  • Multiply: '*'
  • Divide: '/'
  • Modulo: '%'
  • valueof()

  • Shift Left: '<<'
  • Shift Right: '>>'
  • Positive: '+'
  • Negative: '-'
  • Complement: '~'
  • Simple signal reference: I / O
  • Boolean expression: 
    (A and B) or ((not C) and D)
  • Valued Signals and Variables can be used in conditions in these boolean expressions
    variable > 1 
    ?A = 1 
  • Comparison
    ?A > (variable + 1) 
    A and (3 > ?B) or ((var5 + 2) = 6)  
  • Pre
    A and pre(B)
    3 < pre(?A)


  • Immediate, #S: the trigger is satisfied as soon as the state is entered..

  • Count Delays, 3 S

  • Time in SyncCharts: Multiform notion of time,
    e.g., signal SECOND appears every second (depending on the physical tick length).


  • event:
    I / raise O
  • after:
    after 20 s
  • every
    every 200 ms
  • always: 
    enables a reaction to be executed in every run to completion step
  • default: 
    enables a reaction to be executed in every run to completion step
  • else
    used in transitions and implies the lowest evaluation priority for that transition.
  • entry
  • exit
  • oncycle 

  • Emission of a simple signal
    / A
  • Emission of value of a valued Signal
    / A(3)
  • Assignment of a variable
    / varA := 42 
  • Multiple effects get comma- or whitespace separated
    / A, B, C(25), varA := 2 
  • New values may use value expressions as explained above
    / A(3 + pre(?B)), varC := (varD + 1)
  • Assignment of a variable: S / varA = 5
  • raise myvar
  • myvar = valueof(event): Returns the value of an valued event
                                           that it passed to the function as parameter.
  • mybool = active(StateA): Returns „true” if a state is active or „false” otherwise.
