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  1. Install a basic Eclipse distribution in a properly named folder, e.g. eclipse_4.2.1 or eclipse_4.3_modeling.
  2. Install additional features as described in Getting Eclipse.
  3. Install the delta pack necessary to build products for other platforms.
  4. Update /home/java/eclipse to point to the new installation.
  5. Copy the installation into a new directory and copy all plugins and features of the delta pack into its plugins and features folders.
    Produce a P2 reference repository for the automatic Maven build to use. To do that, execute the following script with reasonable parameters

    Code Block
    if [ $# -ne 3 ]
      ECLIPSE_DIR=$1	# e.g. /home/java/eclipse-modeling-4.14.1/
      TARGET_DIR=$2		# e.g. /home/java/public_html/repository/
      REPO_NAME=$3		# e.g. luna411luna441
      CMD="java -jar $ECLIPSE_DIR/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_*.jar \
           -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.publisher.FeaturesAndBundlesPublisher \
           -metadataRepository file:$TARGET_DIR/$REPO_NAME \
           -artifactRepository file:$TARGET_DIR/$REPO_NAME \
           -source $ECLIPSE_DIR \
           -configs any.any.any \
           -compress \
      echo $CMD
      eval $CMD
  6. Move the repository to our kieler user's public_html/repository/ directory.
  7. Update the reference repository location in the parent POM files of the source code repositories. Also update the target platform definition files in the config repository.
