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Meeting Details

  • Protocol: fma
  • Attendees:
    • fma
    • apo
    • lpe
  • Start: 17:30
  • End: 


Table of Contents

Choosing the hardware (fma/lan/apo)

  • Choosing between Crazyflie or an alternative (i.e. FlameWheel F450 + Arduino board) --> Probably (most likely the FlameWheel F450!)
  • Determined the scope of working with the FlameWheel:
    • What can the Arduino do? SCCharts on Arduino? Might be a whole topic for a thesis
    • Is the Arduino strong enough (clockwise)
    • We will have to create a whole Flight Control (But there are presumably enough tutorials on the internet)
    • In General: Check existing projects (of Arduino-Copters and similar things)
    • Planning and Constructing of the Copter is not its own topic of a thesis
    • We still have to settle on concrete sensors
  • Estimate of prices important for our proposals
  • If things go wrong, always stay in contact with ssm/cmot! If there is really no solution, "it doesn't work" is also a conclusion for our theses

Stash, Confluence (lpe/ssm)

  • We need our own repository in the Stash
  • How does the Build work? Not necessarily important for us, since we for the most time wont work on the main branch (or on KIELER)
  • How does Confluence work for us? We needed our own page and working rights (–> Solved as of April 24th)
  • We need to uploads protocols and documentation

Proposals (all)

  • How will we allocate the different topics of the proposals?  And what exactly will we need?
    • Price & Time estimation
    • Constructing the Copter (Skeletton, Sensors - Distance, Positioning, Gyroscope - Microcontroller - Arduino?)
    • How to control sensors and actors
      • All of this probably in cooperation of all of us
    • SCCharts-Connection
    • Flying/Hovering (SCCharts)
    • Simulation
    • Flight: Reading and Interpreting sensors and act accordingly
    • Safety: Collision control, what to do when the battery is low, when systems fail, etc.
    • Flying from a to b (Pathfinding, etc.) --> How does the Computer know what a and b are?
  • Simulation is very important!
  • Handing in until April 29th necessary? --> But probably a first draft until then