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Dates in the semester (currently not final)

Mo., 24.10., 12:00First Meeting/Kick-Off with a Latex and EasyChair introduction. 
Mo., 24.10., 23:59Deadline for topic selection (via email to Jette).
Mo., 14.11., 23:59Deadline of the first draft in EasyChair. This includes abstract, introduction, outline, notes for chapter contents and an overview list of bibliography for related work. 

In week of above, individual dates

Individual feedback dates. 
Mo., 12.12., 23:59Deadline of the first full version (submission update in EasyChair)

In week of above, individual dates

Individual feedback dates.
Mo., 09.01., 23:59Deadline of the review version (submission update in EasyChair) and admission to program committee (invitation via email)
subsequentlyReview assignment (via email)
Mo., 16.01., 23:59Deadline reviews (in EasyChair)


Individual feedback dates on presentation slides

The slides need to be available online or sent to the advisor beforehand (as PDF).

tbdDeadline final version (submission update in EasyChair)
tbdFinal presentations

The Final Presentations

Currently, it is unclear how the talks will take place. This will be influenced by the development of the pandemic. We can think of recorded videos or a live conference or other alternatives. 

Usually, the presentation of the prepared topic is held during a block seminar. The attendance at the seminar day is mandatory. Every attending person receives the proceedings of the current semester.





Your papers should be created using LaTeX and have to be in the ACM style. You can find all necessary files in this archive, including an example document that includes helpful LaTeX-hints to start with. Copy all files in some folder and begin to write your paper.

LaTeX can create a bibliography (it includes scientific publications, which are referenced to prove statements) too. The example includes a file named myrefs.bib, which holds the references. ACM provides a short overview with examples of bibliography entries.

While writing your paper keep the following in mind:

  • Think about whether you want to write your paper in German or English and make use to use the corresponding ACM-style.
  • If you use graphics from your original paper, you should not just add a screenshotted of the pdf your paper. Try to use the image from the original paper by exporting them, including the pdf directly (\inlcudegraphics[page=... trim=...]{*.pdf}), or by recreating the image by yourself (ideally as a vector graphic). This way you should get a result that is not pixelated or at least not worse than the original.
  • A paper always consists of an introduction, at least one main chapter, and a conclusion.

EasyChair Tutorial

You can find our seminar in EasyChair: Link

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