Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Project Management

The general project meeting takes place in the Railwayroom, Tuesday at 16:00.

Development Environment


Use the KIELER Nightly Build. Keep your version up-to-date.
You can update to a new version from within your running installation via Help > Check for updates. Thus it is not necessary to download the KIELER archive every time.


  • General > Workspace
    • Refresh using native hooks or polling: Check
    • Refresh on access
    • Save automatically before build

Code Style


Use an indentation of 2 Spaces:

  • General > Text Editors
    • Insert Spaces for Tabs: Check
    • Displayed Tab Width: 2

SCT Style

Use the following conventions when modeling an SCChart:


Code Block
titleSCT Code Style
scchart {

  input bool trigger;
  output bool action0, action1;
  int fun;

  region first_region "Have fun":
  // State example
  initial state example_state
  --> example_state "Having fun"
    with trigger
    / action0 = true
    ; action1 = false
    ; fun++

  // Region
  region second_region "Do nothing concurrently":

  initial state init;


Use git.

Pull before you start coding.
