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Versions Compared


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To create your submission, visit the EasyChar EasyChair site of the seminar, log in and click on the New Submission button in the header bar.


As soon as you are part of the PC, you have different roles in which you can access the seminar site on EasyChair. The roles have different purposes and permissions.

AuthorCreating and updating your submission
PC memberCreating reviews

This means you cannot edit your submission when you are in the PC role and you cannot create reviews in the Author role.

Changing your role

When you access the EasyChair page of the seminar you are usually ask in which role you want to enter.

Your current role is always displayed in parentheses after the seminar title at the top of the page.

You can change your role by accessing the conference menu (e.g. Kiel-rtsys-sem-18ws) in the top bar an selecting Change role.

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After the deadline for the review versions, you will be assigned as reviewer for two other submissions. You will be notified by mail when the assignment is done. Enter the EasyChair page of the seminar in your PC member role.
When all review versionsBefore you can start reviewing you must accept the invitation into the Program Committee (PC)Click on Assigned to me in the Review menu and download the paper you are assigned to review. When you have read the paper and you are ready to write the review click on the + button to create your review.

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Note that, in the actual review form there may be further fields to complete

Complete the review form and submit it.

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If you want to update your review, do not create a new review but click on the link with your name in the (Update review) PC member column of the review table.

When all reviews are finished, you will receive an Email with the reviews for your paper.
Alternatively you can log in as PC member and access the review of your paper via the Reviews menu → All submissions.