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Our shared repositories are managed with gitGit. The files associated with the thesis should be kept in the group'Git repositorys Git installation, as a separate repository that your advisor will create for you. The main purpose is to prevent loss of data. It , but it also facilitates access for fellow group members if needed, and to allow on-line publication. See also Using Git.

The main tex file for a thesis should be <name of directory>repository>.tex. See (see also Git/Structure for the canonical naming scheme). E.g. Eg, the bachelor thesis of user xyz can be found in a repository named xyz-bt in the Thesss Theses project of our  Gitorious systemStash system, in a file named xyz-bt.tex. If there is a talk to "defend" the thesis (Bachelor-Kolloquium, Disputation), the talk should also be included in this repository, and should be named <name of directory>repository>-talk.tex; eg (e.g. xyz-bt-talk.tex). In case your thesis should be made available on-line, the same names should be used, ege.g., xyz.pdf.

See also the notes on preparing a paper, eg e.g. regarding which files should be kept in revision management (ie, should be checked into Git ) and which shouldn't.


Prof. von Hanxleden would recommend Emacs as a very flexible and powerful editor for LaTeX (and everything else). But probably you belong to a post-Emacs generation, so here are some alternatives: Hauke (haf) recommends Texlipse as an easy-to use and also powerful Eclipse plug-in. Christoph Daniel (cds) recommends using Kile, a KDE LaTeX editor that is fast, powerful, and reasonably easy to understand and to use. On Mac, TeXShop is a fine editor that looks a bitt dated on first glance, but works very well.

The ToDo Package

Es kommt häufig vor dass man sich während des Schreibens Anmerkungen zum Text machen oder Dinge später hinzufügen möchte. Damit dies einfacher zu verwalten ist, steht ein extra ToDo-Paket zur Verfügung. Mit diesem Paket lassen sich Platzhalter für Grafiken, Anmerkungen zum Text in verschiedenen Farben oder einfache ToDo-Kommentare mit Referenz zum Text schnell und unkompliziert realisieren. Eingebunden wird das Paket wie folgt.
