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titleDEADLINE 13.05.

At the end of this summer term a railway controller modelled in SCCharts should exist that is able to control the model railway installation. What exactly control means is up to you!

Define your project goals! Therefore...

  • Define the desired capabilities of your controller.
  • Devide your project in several subprojects. Organize the whole team in subteams and determine who is responsible for what.
  • Define interfaces between the subteams and/or components the subteams are responsible of.
  • Create a detailed roadmap with milestones for each subproject.

You are going to present your plan in a short presentation (latex beamer preferred) in the following week (12.05. - 16.05.) The exact date will be posted here. Each member of the team should present a few slides. You can use the next regular rail meeting (13.05.) to present your slides and receive feedback.

Remember, you are going to present your controller at the end of the summer term! Getting this task done right is a very important step to succeed with your controller and this project!


Use this page to document your project goals...