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When arriving on a station the train controller must first call the function void railArrival(int train, int station). This starts the waiting timer for the train.
Next the train must wait for int railDeparture(int train) to return 1.
After the waiting has finished the controller can reach a final state and pass the control back to the train controller.


input int *_perm;
output bool *_req[11];
input int trainNum;
input int depTrack;
input int destTrack;
input bool cleanup;
input bool debug;
output int arrTrack;
int i_arrOnTrack;
initial state *_ST {
    entry debug / 'println([trainNum][ST-ST] ... )';
    initial state waitForPerm {
        entry / *_ST_4_req[trainNum] = true;
        entry / *_LN_0_req[trainNum] = true;
    --> gotPerm with (*_ST_4_perm == trainNum) & (*_LN_0_perm == trainNum)
    --> backOff with (*_ST_4_perm == trainNum) | (*_LN_0_perm == trainNum);
    state backOff
    --> backOff1;
    state backOff1 {
        entry / *_ST_4_req[trainNum] = false;
        entry / *_LN_0_req[trainNum] = false;
    --> waitForPerm;
    final state gotPerm;
>-> Dep_*_ST;
state Dep_*_ST {
    entry / 'railPoint(*,STRAIGHT)';
    entry / 'railSignal(*_LN_0, FWD, RED)';
    entry / 'railTrack(*_LN_0,FWD,trainNum,NORMAL)';
    entry / 'railTrack(*_ST_4,FWD,trainNum,NORMAL)';
    entry depTrack == 1 / 'railSignal(*_ST_1, FWD, GREEN)';
    entry depTrack == 2 / 'railSignal(*_ST_2, FWD, GREEN)';
    entry depTrack == 3 / 'railSignal(*_ST_3, FWD, GREEN)';
  } --> *_LN_0 with 'railContact(*_LN_0,0)';
  state *_LN_0 {



Code Block
// Structure of a Station-2-Station controller from Station * to Station *
scchart STST " * to * Controller " {

  // Set of permission variables for required tracks
  input int *_perm;

  // Set of request variables for required tracks for 11 trains
  output bool *_req[11];

  // Train number
  input int trainNum;

  // Number of the departure track in a station
  input int depTrack;

  // Number of the destination track in a station
  input int destTrack;

  // Cleanup flag for selecting the destination track
  input bool cleanup;

  // Debug flag for additional output
  input bool debug;

  // Arrival track
  output int arrTrack;

  // Variable with value for arrTrack for selecting correct station elements
  int i_arrOnTrack;
  // Handles departing from a station *
  initial state *_ST {
    // hostcode call for additional output when debug
    entry debug / 'println([trainNum][ST-ST] 


... )';




    entry depTrack == 1 / 'railSignal(*_ST_1, FWD, RED)';
    entry depTrack == 2 / 'railSignal(*_ST_2, FWD, RED)';
    entry depTrack == 3 / 'railSignal(*_ST_3, FWD, RED)';


/ State, which sets requests for needed tracks
    initial state waitForPerm {
        entry / *_ST_4_req[trainNum] = true;
        entry / *_LN_


0_req[trainNum] = true;


    region Travel:
      initial state Entry


    // Transition is taken, if all permissions are received


gotPerm with 




ST_4_perm == trainNum) & (*_LN_


0_perm == trainNum)


      --> Slowdown with 'railContact(*_LN_0,0)';
      state Slowdown {
        entry debug / 'println("[trainNum][ST-ST] Slowing down on *_LN_0")';
        entry / 'railTrack(*_LN_0,FWD,trainNum,CAUTION)';
      --> Waiting with 'railContact(*_LN_0,1)'


    // Transition is taken, if some (not all) permissions are received
    --> backOff with (*_ST_4_perm == trainNum) | (*_LN_0_perm == trainNum);


      state Waiting {
        entry debug / 'println("[trainNum][ST-ST] Stopping on *_LN_0")';
        entry / 'railTrackBrake(*_LN_0)';
      --> Continue with *_LN_1_perm == trainNum;
      final state Continue {
        entry debug / 'println("[trainNum][ST-ST] Continuing on *_LN_0")';
        entry / 'railSignal(*_LN_0,FWD,GREEN)';
        entry / 'railTrack(*_LN_0,FWD,trainNum,NORMAL)';
        entry / 'railTrack(*_LN_1,FWD,trainNum,NORMAL)';
        entry / 'railSignal(*_LN_1, FWD, RED)';
    region Cleanup:
      initial state Entry
      --> cleanup with 'railContact(*_LN_0,0)';
      final state cleanup {
      entry debug / 'println("[trainNum][ST-ST] Entered *_LN_0 completely")';
      entry / 'railTrackOff(*_ST_4)';
      entry / *_ST_4_req[trainNum] = false;
  }>-> *_LN_0_*_LN_1;
  state *_LN_0_*_LN_1
  --> *_LN_1 with 'railContact(*_LN_1,0)';
// ...................
// Set of track segment controlling states such as before
// ...................
state *_LN_5 {
    int perm_all_next_segments = false;
    entry / 'println("[trainNum][ST-ST] Entering *_LN_5")';


    // State for waiting an additional tick when not all permissions are received
    state backOff
    --> backOff1;
    // State, which releases the requests for needed tracks
    state backOff1 {
        entry / *_ST_4_req[trainNum] = false;
        entry / *_LN_0_req[trainNum] = false;
    // Transition to repeat requesting permissions procedure
    --> waitForPerm;
    final state gotPerm;
  // Transition to the departure state
  >-> Dep_*_ST;
  // State, which handles the departure of a train
  state Dep_*_ST {
    // Set of entry-Actions with hostcode calls to set tracks, points and signals according to depTrack
    entry / 'railPoint(*,STRAIGHT)';
    entry / 'railSignal(*_LN_


0, FWD, RED)';












entry / '






 entry / 'railTrack(*_












 entry depTrack == 


1 / '


        entry / 'railTrack(*_LN_5,FWD,trainNum,CAUTION)';
      --> Waiting with 'railContact(*_LN_5,1)'
      --> Continue with perm_all_next_segments;
      state Waiting {
        entry debug / 'println("[trainNum][ST-ST] Stopping on *_LN_5")';
        entry / 'railTrackBrake(*_LN_5)';
      --> Continue with perm_all_next_segments;
      final state Continue {
        entry debug / 'println("[trainNum][ST-ST] Continuing on *_LN_5")';        
        entry i_arrOnTrack == 1 / 'railTrack(*_ST_1,FWD,trainNum,NORMAL)';
        entry i_arrOnTrack == 2 / 'railTrack(*_ST_2,FWD,trainNum,NORMAL)';
        entry i_arrOnTrack == 3 / 'railTrack(*_ST_3,FWD,trainNum,NORMAL)';
        entry / arrTrack = i_arrOnTrack;
    region Cleanup:
      initial state Entry
      --> cleanup with 'railContact(*_LN_5,0)';
      final state cleanup {


railSignal(*_ST_1, FWD, GREEN)';
    entry depTrack == 2 / 'railSignal(*_ST_2, FWD, GREEN)';
    entry depTrack == 3 / 'railSignal(*_ST_3, FWD, GREEN)';
  // Transition to next track segment, if contact is triggered
  } --> *_LN_0 with 'railContact(*_LN_0,0)';

  // .....................................................................................
  // Set of track segment controlling states such as follows
  // .....................................................................................
  // Transition to next track segment, if contact is triggered
  state *_LN_0 {
    // Hostcode calls for outputs
    entry / 'println("[trainNum][ST-ST] 


Entering *_LN_




    entry debug / '


println("[trainNum][ST-ST] Requesting permission for *_LN_








    region Permissions:
      initial state checking {
        entry / *_ST_0_req[trainNum] = true;


/ Entry-Actions with hostcode calls to set previous signal according to depTrack to RED
    entry depTrack == 1


 / 'railSignal(*_ST_1


, FWD, RED)';


depTrack == 2


 / 'railSignal(*_ST_2


, FWD, RED)';


depTrack == 3




/ 'railSignal(*_ST_3




, FWD, RED)';
    // Requesting the next track segment
    entry / *_LN_1_req[trainNum] = true;
    // Region for handling train driving
    region Travel:
      initial state Entry
      // Transition to continuing state, if permitted
      --> Continue 


with 'railContact(*_


LN_0,0)' & (*_LN_1_perm == trainNum)


     // Transition to slowing down else
      --> Slowdown with 'railContact(*_LN_0,0)';
      // State for slowing down the train
      state Slowdown 


        entry debug / 'println("[trainNum][ST-ST] Slowing down on *_LN_0")';
        // Entry-Action with hostcode calls for slowing down the train
        entry / 'railTrack(*_LN_0,FWD,trainNum,CAUTION)';
      // Transition 


to waiting state


Waiting with 'railContact(*_




      // Transition to continuing state, if permitted


Continue with *_




1_perm == trainNum;










      --> success with *_ST_0_perm == trainNum & *_ST_3_perm == trainNum / i_arrOnTrack = 3


/ State for train waiting on permission
      state Waiting {
        entry debug / 'println("[trainNum][ST-ST] Stopping on *_LN_0")';
        // Entry-Action with hostcode call for stopping the train
        entry / 'railTrackBrake(*_LN_0)';


Continue with *_




1_perm == trainNum;


      // State to continuing driving on the track
      final state Continue {
        entry debug / 'println("[trainNum][ST-ST] Continuing 


on *_LN_0")';
        // Entry-Actions with 


      state resolving
      --> resolving1;
      state resolving1 {
        entry / *_ST_0_req[trainNum] = false;


hostcode calls to set tracks and signals for driving
        entry / 'railSignal(*_


        entry / 'railTrack(*_


        entry / 'railTrack(*_


      --> checking;
      state success
      --> success1;
      final state success1 {
        entry !(i_arrOnTrack == 1) / *_ST_1_req[trainNum] = false;      
        entry !(i_arrOnTrack == 2) / *_ST_2_req[trainNum] = false;
        entry !(i_arrOnTrack == 3) / *_ST_3_req[trainNum] = false;
        entry / perm_all_next_segments = true;
  }>-> *_LN_5_*_ST;
  state *_LN_5_*_ST
  --> Arr_*_ST with i_arrOnTrack == 1 & 'railContact(*_ST_1,0)'
  --> Arr_*_ST with i_arrOnTrack == 2 & 'railContact(*_ST_2,0)'
  --> Arr_*_ST with i_arrOnTrack == 3 & 'railContact(*_ST_3,0)';
  state Arr_*_ST {
    entry / 'railSignal(*_LN_5, FWD, RED)';
    entry / 'railTrackOff(*_LN_5)';
    entry / 'railTrack(*_ST_0,FWD,trainNum,SLOW)';
    entry i_arrOnTrack == 1 / 'railTrack(*_ST_1,FWD,trainNum,SLOW)';
    entry i_arrOnTrack == 2 / 'railTrack(*_ST_2,FWD,trainNum,SLOW)';
    entry i_arrOnTrack == 3 / 'railTrack(*_ST_3,FWD,trainNum,SLOW)';


        entry / 'railSignal(*_LN_1, FWD, RED)';
    // Region for handling cleanup functionalities
    region Cleanup:
      initial state Entry
      // Transition to cleanup state
      --> cleanup with 'railContact(*_LN_0,0)';
      // State for cleaning up the previous track segments
      final state cleanup {
        entry debug / 'println("[trainNum][ST-ST] Entered *_LN_0 completely")';
        // Entry-Action with hostcode call to switching off the previous track
        entry / 'railTrackOff(*_ST_4)';
        // Entry-Action to release the previous track
        entry / *_ST_4_req[trainNum] = false;


    initial state SlowEntry
    --> Slow with i_arrOnTrack == 1 & 'railContact(*_ST_1,0)'
    --> Slow with i_arrOnTrack == 2 & 'railContact(*_ST_2,0)'
    --> Slow with i_arrOnTrack == 3 & 'railContact(*_ST_3,0)';
    state Slow {
      entry / 'railTrackOff(*_ST_0)';
      entry / *_ST_0_req[trainNum] = false;
    --> Halt with i_arrOnTrack == 1 & 'railContact(*_ST_1,1)'
    --> Halt with i_arrOnTrack == 2 & 'railContact(*_ST_2,1)'
    --> Halt with i_arrOnTrack == 3 & 'railContact(*_ST_3,1)';
    final state Halt {
      entry i_arrOnTrack == 1 / 'railTrackBrake(*_ST_1)';
      entry i_arrOnTrack == 2 / 'railTrackBrake(*_ST_2)';
      entry i_arrOnTrack == 3 / 'railTrackBrake(*_ST_3)';
      entry i_arrOnTrack == 1 / 'railArrival(trainNum, *_ST_1)';
      entry i_arrOnTrack == 2 / 'railArrival(trainNum, *_ST_2)';
      entry i_arrOnTrack == 3 / 'railArrival(trainNum, *_ST_3)';
  >-> done;
  state done
  --> reallyDone with 'railDeparture(trainNum)';
  final state reallyDone;

// All permissions variables

// All request variables

// Train number

// Departure track number

// Destination track number

// Cleanup flag for selecting the destination track

// Debug flag for additional output

// Arrival track

// Variable (arrival track) for selecting correct station elements


// Handles departing from a station

// Additional output for debugging


// State, which sets requests for needed tracks




// Transition is taken, if all permissions are received

// Transition is taken, if some (not all) permissions are received


// State for waiting an additional Tick



// State, which releases the requests for needed tracks




// Transition to repeat requesting permissions procedure




// Transition to the departure state


// State, which handles the train departure

// Set of entry-Actions to set tracks, points and signals according to depTrack







// Transition to next track segment, if contact is triggered


// State for handling the train on track *_LN_0

// Outputs for debugging


// Entry-Actions to set the previous signals to RED



// Requesting the next segment


// Region for handling train driving


// Transition to continuing state, if permitted

// Transition to slowing down else


// State for slowing down

// Addtitional output for debugging

// Entry-Action for slowing down the train


// Transition to waiting state

// Transition to continuing state, if permitted


// Waiting state

// Addtitional output for debugging

// Entry-Action for stopping the train


// Tranisition to continuing state


// State to continuing driving on the track

// Addtitional output for debugging

// Entry-Actions to set tracks and signals for driving






// Region for handling cleanup-functionalities


// Transition to cleanup state


// Cleanup state

// Addtitional output for debugging

// Entry-Action to switching off the previous track

// Entry-Action to release the previous track


// Transition to transitional state


// Transitional state

// Transition to next track segment, if contact is triggered






// State for entering a station

// Variable for checking all needed permissions

// Output

// Setting signal to RED


// Region for handling train driving


// Transition to continuing state, if permitted

// Transition to slowing down else


// State for slowing down

// Addtitional output for debugging

// Entry-Action for slowing down the train


// Transition to waiting state

// Transition to continuing state, if permitted


// Waiting state

// Addtitional output for debugging

// Entry-Action for stopping the train


// Tranisition to continuing state


// State to continuing driving on the track

// Addtitional output for debugging

// Set of entry-Actions for setting tracks, points and signals according to i_arrOnTrack



// Setting the arrival track (output)



// Region for handling cleanup-functionalities


// Transition to cleanup state


// Cleanup state

// Addtitional output for debugging

// Entry-Action to switching off the previous tracks

// Entry-Action to release the previous tracks



// Region for handling permissions of all needed tracks

// State for requesting all needed tracks according to destination track and cleanup-Flag






// Transitions for permitted tracks match wished tracks





// Transitions for permitted tracks don't match wished tracks



// Transition for not all tracks permitted



// State for waiting an additional tick



// State for releasing track requests






// Transition for trying the requesting again


// State for waiting an additional tick



// State for releasing not used track requests




// Settting perm_all_next_segments to true


// Transition to station entry states


// State waiting for station entry





// State for setting tracks, points and signals according to i_arrOnTrack

// and releasing previous track request








// State for slowing down, if train completely on track





// State for switching off previous track and releasing the request




// Transitions to halt states, if train at second contact of a track





// Entry-Actions for braking the train on correct track



// Entry-Actions for waiting for timer on correct track









  // Transition to transitional state
  }>-> *_LN_0_*_LN_1;
  state *_LN_0_*_LN_1
  // Transition to next track segment, if contact is triggered
  --> *_LN_1 with 'railContact(*_LN_1,0)';
  // ..................................................................................

  // State for entering a station
  state *_LN_5 {
    // Variable for checking all needed permissions
    int perm_all_next_segments = false;
    entry / 'println("[trainNum][ST-ST] Entering *_LN_5")';
    entry / 'railSignal(*_LN_4, FWD, RED)';
    // Region for handling train driving such as above, 
    // only with perm_all_next_segments for permitting more than one track
    region Travel:
      initial state Entry
      --> Continue with 'railContact(*_LN_5,0)' & perm_all_next_segments
      --> Slowdown with 'railContact(*_LN_5,0)';
      state Slowdown {
        entry debug / 'println("[trainNum][ST-ST] Slowing down on *_LN_5")';
        entry / 'railTrack(*_LN_5,FWD,trainNum,CAUTION)';
      --> Waiting with 'railContact(*_LN_5,1)'
      --> Continue with perm_all_next_segments;
      state Waiting {
        entry debug / 'println("[trainNum][ST-ST] Stopping on *_LN_5")';
        entry / 'railTrackBrake(*_LN_5)';
      --> Continue with perm_all_next_segments;
      final state Continue {
        entry debug / 'println("[trainNum][ST-ST] Continuing on *_LN_5")';        
        entry i_arrOnTrack == 1 / 'railTrack(*_ST_1,FWD,trainNum,NORMAL)';
        entry i_arrOnTrack == 2 / 'railTrack(*_ST_2,FWD,trainNum,NORMAL)';
        entry i_arrOnTrack == 3 / 'railTrack(*_ST_3,FWD,trainNum,NORMAL)';
        entry / arrTrack = i_arrOnTrack;
    // Region for handling cleanup-functionalities such as above
    region Cleanup:
      initial state Entry
      --> cleanup with 'railContact(*_LN_5,0)';
      final state cleanup {
        entry debug / 'println("[trainNum][ST-ST] Entered *_LN_5 completely")';
        entry / 'railTrackOff(*_LN_4)';
        entry / *_LN_4_req[trainNum] = false;
    // Region for handling permissions of all needed tracks
    region Permissions:
      // State for requesting all needed tracks according to destination track and cleanup-Flag
      initial state checking {
        entry / *_ST_0_req[trainNum] = true;
        entry destTrack == 1 | !cleanup / *_ST_1_req[trainNum] = true;
        entry destTrack == 2 | !cleanup / *_ST_2_req[trainNum] = true;
        entry destTrack == 3 | !cleanup / *_ST_3_req[trainNum] = true;
      // Transitions for permitted tracks match wished tracks
      --> success with destTrack == 1 & *_ST_0_perm == trainNum & *_ST_1_perm == trainNum / i_arrOnTrack = 1
      --> success with destTrack == 2 & *_ST_0_perm == trainNum & *_ST_2_perm == trainNum / i_arrOnTrack = 2
      --> success with destTrack == 3 & *_ST_0_perm == trainNum & *_ST_3_perm == trainNum / i_arrOnTrack = 3
      // Transitions for permitted tracks don't match wished tracks
      --> success with *_ST_0_perm == trainNum & *_ST_1_perm == trainNum / i_arrOnTrack = 1
      --> success with *_ST_0_perm == trainNum & *_ST_2_perm == trainNum / i_arrOnTrack = 2
      --> success with *_ST_0_perm == trainNum & *_ST_3_perm == trainNum / i_arrOnTrack = 3
      // Transition for not all tracks permitted
      --> resolving with *_ST_0_perm == trainNum | *_ST_3_perm == trainNum | *_ST_2_perm == trainNum | *_ST_1_perm == trainNum;
      // State for waiting an additional tick
      state resolving
      --> resolving1;
      // State for releasing track requests
      state resolving1 {
        entry / *_ST_0_req[trainNum] = false;
        entry / *_ST_1_req[trainNum] = false;
        entry / *_ST_2_req[trainNum] = false;
        entry / *_ST_3_req[trainNum] = false;
	  // Transition for trying the requesting again
      --> checking;
      // State for waiting an additional tick
      state success
      --> success1;

      // State for releasing not used track requests
      final state success1 {
        entry !(i_arrOnTrack == 1) / *_ST_1_req[trainNum] = false;      
        entry !(i_arrOnTrack == 2) / *_ST_2_req[trainNum] = false;
        entry !(i_arrOnTrack == 3) / *_ST_3_req[trainNum] = false;
        // Settting perm_all_next_segments to true
        entry / perm_all_next_segments = true;
  // Transition to station entry states
  }>-> *_LN_5_*_ST;
  // State waiting for station entry
  state *_LN_5_*_ST
  --> Arr_*_ST with i_arrOnTrack == 1 & 'railContact(*_ST_1,0)'
  --> Arr_*_ST with i_arrOnTrack == 2 & 'railContact(*_ST_2,0)'
  --> Arr_*_ST with i_arrOnTrack == 3 & 'railContact(*_ST_3,0)';
  // State for setting tracks, points and signals according to i_arrOnTrack
  // and releasing previous track request
  state Arr_*_ST {
    entry / 'railSignal(*_LN_5, FWD, RED)';
    entry / 'railTrackOff(*_LN_5)';
    entry / 'railTrack(*_ST_0,FWD,trainNum,SLOW)';
    entry i_arrOnTrack == 1 / 'railTrack(*_ST_1,FWD,trainNum,SLOW)';
    entry i_arrOnTrack == 2 / 'railTrack(*_ST_2,FWD,trainNum,SLOW)';
    entry i_arrOnTrack == 3 / 'railTrack(*_ST_3,FWD,trainNum,SLOW)';
    entry / *_LN_5_req[trainNum] = false;
    initial state SlowEntry
    --> Slow with i_arrOnTrack == 1 & 'railContact(*_ST_1,0)'
    --> Slow with i_arrOnTrack == 2 & 'railContact(*_ST_2,0)'
    --> Slow with i_arrOnTrack == 3 & 'railContact(*_ST_3,0)';
    // State for switching off previous track and releasing the request
    state Slow {
      entry / 'railTrackOff(*_ST_0)';
      entry / *_ST_0_req[trainNum] = false;
    // Transitions to halt state, when train is at second contact of a track segment
    --> Halt with i_arrOnTrack == 1 & 'railContact(*_ST_1,1)'
    --> Halt with i_arrOnTrack == 2 & 'railContact(*_ST_2,1)'
    --> Halt with i_arrOnTrack == 3 & 'railContact(*_ST_3,1)';
    final state Halt {
      // Entry-Actions for braking the train on correct track
      entry i_arrOnTrack == 1 / 'railTrackBrake(*_ST_1)';
      entry i_arrOnTrack == 2 / 'railTrackBrake(*_ST_2)';
      entry i_arrOnTrack == 3 / 'railTrackBrake(*_ST_3)';
      // Entry-Actions for waiting for timer on correct track
      entry i_arrOnTrack == 1 / 'railArrival(trainNum, *_ST_1)';
      entry i_arrOnTrack == 2 / 'railArrival(trainNum, *_ST_2)';
      entry i_arrOnTrack == 3 / 'railArrival(trainNum, *_ST_3)';
  >-> done;
  state done
  // Transition to final state, if timer is ready
  --> reallyDone with 'railDeparture(trainNum)';
  final state reallyDone;