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13:00Lena Buffoni (Panelist)
Benoit Caillaud (Panel Chair)
Aurélien Lamercerie (Session 3.1)
Xujie Si (Session 5.2)
George Ungureanu (Session 1.3 + Poster 3)

Alexander Breckel (Tutorial 1)
Stephen A. Edwards (Session 2.1)
Mark Kettner (Poster 4)
Saranya Natarajan (Session 1.1)
Wolfgang Scherr (Session 6.2)
Manuel Serrano (Keynote 2)


Christoph Grimm (Session 6.4)
Matthew Johns (Session 4.3)
J. Kölsch (also Session 6.4)
Hugh Leather (Session 5.2)
Edward Lee (Keynote 1)
Zainalabedin Navabi (Tutorial 2)
Frank Rethmeier (Session 6.3)

17:30Vladimir Herdt (Session 4.2)
Goran Frehse (Panelist)
Marten Lohstroh (Session 1.2)
No slotFrancois Pecheux (Session 6.1)
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