Sequentially Constructive Charts (SCCharts)

In this section you'll find information about

  • SCCharts – Sequentially Constructive Charts
    New visual synchronous language that is designed for specifying safety-critical reactive systems.

  • Kieler Execution Manager (KIEM)

    KIEM is an Eclipse infrastructure for managing simulators, visualizators, validators, input/recording/replay facilities. DataComponents are the building blocks and KIEM builds on a linear configurable schedule of DataComponents. KIEM can also be used for regression testing of simulators (or any other type of DataComponents).
  • Kieler Compiler (KiCo)

    In order to integrate and be able to evaluate our compiler chain from SCCharts to C or VHDL code we use the KiCo project as a generic framework that allows to register setp-by-step transformations on EObjects. These can then be handled by the generic KIEM KiCo DataComponent.
  • Esterel Simulator

    KIELER comes with an Xtext based Esterel editor. Additionally we connected the CEC to KIELER in an Esterel Simulation DataComponent. Simulation results can be visually seen in the editor.
  • S Simulator

    S (abbreviation for Synchronous) is the essence of SC and SJ. It is meant to be an intermediate language for synthesizing code from higher abstract synchronous models like SyncCharts. KIELER provides a full featured Xtext based S editor and a visual simulation/debugging facility for S code using SC and the GCC. There are ongoing efforts to use S as an intermediate language while compiling SyncCharts to SC or SJ.
  • Ptolemy (KLEPTO)

    KIELER leveraging Ptolemy (KLEPTO) is the effort to utilize Ptolemy as a simulation engine for DSL, e.g., for simulating SyncCharts.
  • Regression Tests (KART)

    Simulators (Esterel, SyncCharts, KlePto, S) need to be validated. Especially when additional functionality is added it must be ensured that older functionality will not brake. KIELER Automated Regression Testing (KART) provides KIEM DataComponents for this validation purpose. JUnit integration of KIEM completes these efforts.
  • Lego Mindstorms Embedded Programming (KLOTS)

    KIELER Lego Online Testing System (KLOTS) is a subproject that brings SJ on an embedded device (Lego Mindstorms) and integrates online debugging  with visual feedback in the Java-Editor.
  • UML Simulation and Verification

    KIELER and Papyrus UML editors can be used to simulate UML statemachines using MAUDE. Additionally verification on UML state machines is possible.