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Meeting Details

  • Moderator: ssm
  • Protocol: lpe
  • Attendees:
    • ssm
    • fma
    • lan
    • lpe
  • Start: 10:25
  • End: 10:50


General Discussion

  • Copter should be able to fly again
  • Still necessary to fix the "bridge" at the bottom of the copter
  • New Emergency - Emergency Button
  • lan wants to test his SCCharts implementation soon
    • Perhaps together with Felix implementation
    • Perhaps even his SCCharts implementation
  • SCCharts - lan: All transitions are immediate transitions - does that make sense?Re
    • Reason behind that is that he wants to calculate motor values in every tick
    • ssm: It's ok, but not necessarily the best solution
    • "Do it the way it is necessary"
  • Landing routine: lan wants to make it better, but does not have time
    • If there is time, we will continue working on it, probably not though
  • Writing thesis: Here or at home?
    • Better here, but it is not necessary
    • If working at home: Be here at specific points in time in the week, at least once or twice a week
  • No handing in of the thesis before the presentation necessary
  • No labels