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Meeting Details

  • Moderator: ssm
  • Protocol: fma
  • Attendees:
    • ssm
    • cmot
    • fma
    • lan
    • lpe
  • Start: 09:40
  • End: 10:30


Handling sensors with the Arduino Nano

  • Problem of the two missing pins (A6, A7, which are only readable analog) is discussed
  • Several solutions possible:
    • HC-SR04 Single Pin Usage (not working in first tests, needs more evaluation)
    • Rewriting the NewPing library, making it possible to trigger two sensors at a time and wait for both Echos. Saves up 5 pins with 10 sensors.
    • Using two microcontrollers like Arduino Minis

Speed calculation with the accelerometer

  • Problem: Quadcopter does not know it's own speed.
  • Possible solution: Integrating the acceleration
    • Maybe not working because of drift.
    • Is the drift constant and can it be determined for calculation?
  • Also possible: Calculating speed via the ultrasonic sensors and comparing it to the integrated speed if both are avaliable

Next flight tests on Friday

  • Next flight tests on 31.07. for testing the speed controlling. 
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