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Esi and Eso

Traces of Esterel-programs are usually given as Esi and Eso file. Esi files only specify inputs, Eso files contains also the oputputs. Since the outputs are given as special comments, every valid Eso file is also a valid Esi file. For a given Esterel program prog.strl, there are two ways to generate the resulting Eso file:

via Esterel Studio

  • Using the command line, we first have to create a new project
      estudio --create-project prog.etp
      estudio --insert prog.strl prog.etp
  • Now we have to set the main module. Lets assume, that the main module is called prog, as the file.
      sed 's/<configuration>14<\/configuration>/<configuration>14<\/configuration>\n<\/Prop>\n<Prop id="17"   
        name="@ESTUDIO_COMPILATION:main_module">\n<value>prog<\/value>\n<configuration>14<\/configuration>\n<\/Prop>\n<Prop id="18" 
        name="@ESTUDIO_TESTBENCH:esifile">\n<value>prog.esi<\/value>\n<configuration>14<\/configuration>/' prog.etp > /tmp/prog.etp
      mv  /mtp/prog.etp > .
  • Now we can generate a scenario
      estudio --v5 -cs prog.etp

The file ./Default/Simulation/Scenarios/missing.esi is generated.

  • The next step is to generate a executable for the esterel file:
      estudio -y --v5 -g prog.etp
      estudio -y --v5 --simul GenExe prog.etp

This generates ./Default/Simulation/prog.exe.

  • The resulting output file is for the scenario is generated by ./prog.exe -nographic -signal_dump=ESI,prog.eso missing.esi
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