
Git Repository Structure

The numerous different Git repositories are structured into projects in our online front end,  Gitorious. The projects all have a description which should make it easy to find your way around. Naming conventions differ from project to project. The rest of this page has the details.


  • Contains one repository for each oberseminar, named in the format <year><ss|ws>, eg. 09ss.
  • Each repository contains one directory per participant (the participant directory), in the format <user name>, eg. rvh.
  • Each participant directory xyz contains the following files, where <prefix> is a unique identifier for each semester directory of the form [sem|osem]<year>[ss|ws], eg. sem12ss or osem12ws:
    • <prefix>-<user name>-talk.tex - the source for the presentation slides (eg. sem12ss-rvh-talk.tex)
    • <prefix>-<user name>-talk.pdf - the slides for the presentation (may contain animations)
    • <prefix>-<user name>-handout.pdf - the slides used for the proceedings and/or for download (no animations, may contain notes). If you use the standard Makefile, <prefix>-<user name>-handout.pdf can be generated automatically from <prefix>-<user name>-talk.tex.


The conventions for the Papers project can be found here.


  • Contains one repository for each seminar, named in the format <year>[ss|ws]-<short title>, eg. 09ss-model.
  • The directory naming conventions for the Oberseminare project apply here as well.
  • If there is an accompanying paper (Ausarbeitung), as is commonly the case for the seminar, the participant directory also contains
    • `<prefix>-<user name>.tex´ - the source for the paper
    • <prefix>-<user name>.pdf - the paper, as to be included in the proceedings
    • <prefix>-<user name>-review-<user name of reviewer>.pdf - a review performed by a reviewer


The conventions for the Theses project can be found here.