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Meeting Details

  • Moderator: ssm
  • Protocol: lan
  • Attendees:
    • ssm
    • cmot
    • fma
    • lan
    • apo
    • lpe
  • Start: 16:00
  • End: 18:00




  • We have seen that our management the last weeks was not as good as possible
  • For a better organization we decided to introduce SCRUM as management guideline
  • We need to agree on one single time schedule with deadlines
  • We need to announce milestone events during the development progress to make a planned documentation possible
  • We agreed on using existing C-Libraries to establish a working quadrocopter, so it will be possible to work on the flight control and the collision avoidance at the same time 
  • ssm promised to create a projekt repository inside the stash -> praktika

Cooperation with Mikheil Ilin

  • He develops a system with kind of the same goal (autonomous quadrocopter with collision avoidance)
    • He uses Python with existing libraries (different to us)
    • He uses a camera as proximity sensor (different to us)
    • He uses WiFi as communication tool (different to us)
    • He uses a Raspberry Pi as micro controller (different to us)
    • He wants to use his computer to calculate the data of the camera (different to us)
  • We decided to try to find a way to work together with Mikheil but the differences in our projects will not give much space for cooperation
  • we agreed to meet on 2015-05-08 10:00 where he wants to show his quadrocopter to us and show us how it works

Time Schedule

  • We agreed on a single time schedule for the project as listed below 

    2015-5-8allparts ordered
    2015-5-13.allInterface completed with component hierarchy
    until deliveryallexploring arduino and find useful c-libraries
    one week after deliveryallbuilt the copter
    2015-6-8lpeSimulation done

    motors and sensors functionality done
    flying with c-libraries possible
    found a solution to replace the libraries by SCCharts
    part for part 

    2015-6-29fmaCollision avoidance algorithm done
    2015-6-29lanbalanced flight done
    2015-7-3fmatest collision avoidance
    2015-7-6lpeEmergency system done
    2015-7-15lanMid air movement done
    2015-7-26lpeTranslation of simulation to SCCharts done

    Part decisions

  • A decision for the right ESC was still missing

  • After further review we decided on the following one:

  • for a good work with this we also need a so called programming card. we decided to use the following one:
    programming card 
  • No labels