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Meeting Details

  • Moderator: --
  • Protocol: lpe
  • Attendees:
    • fma
    • apo
    • lan
    • lpe
  • Start: 16:00
  • End: 17:30


Propeller guards (fma)

  • Doubts about guard designs:
    • "Arms" might not be good enough
    • No guards for our model available (F450 might not fit? Maybe too large?)
  • Printing guards ourselves might be an option
    • F330 has no pre-designed guards
    • Printing has the disadvantage, that our printer is not large enough - we might have to print two parts for one guard
    • Felix will have to adjust models to our copter

Balancing (lan/lpe)

  • We need working parameters for our PID -> Work has to be done Thursday Friday
  • Gyro will have to be readjusted since it was attached the wrong way around after the reassembly of the copter
  • Update Friday:
    • apo and lpe have adjusted parameters (we are more or less content with the way its handling)
    • P and D-parameters are adjusted pretty well, I-parameter is probably not?
    • Yaw-parameters have not been touched as of today
  • No labels