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Meeting Details

  • Moderator: ssm
  • Protocol: lpe
  • Attendees:
    • ssm
    • cmot
    • fma
    • lan
    • apo
    • lpe
    • nbw (a little bit)
  • Start: 16:00
  • End: 16:50


Problems with the flight (lan)

  • Problem with the z-axis might be solved:
    • For turning around the z-Axis, the gyro outputs values between 180 and -180 degrees
    • Turning over this border changes the controller by a lot
    • This might be bad for the motors or for the flight of the copter
    • So if we notice a change of the output of more then 200 degrees in one time unit, we subtract (or add) 360 degrees to the measured value
    • nbw adds that this might be easier with a modulo-calculation
  • Problem with a drift during flight:
    • The copter drifts around at the beginning of the flight, since we don't know any velocities of the copter
    • Maybe we can calculate the velocity of the copter with the accelerometer and the angles of the gyroscope
    • lan believes that it might be very possible and not very difficult
    • Could help fma with his stuff
  • What is more important:
    • Translating to SCCharts
    • Fixing the drift during the flight
  • ssm: Depends on how long this might take (lan: Probably until mid next week)
  • lan wants to start doing that first before focussing on SCCharts

Problems with Dataflow (lpe/ssm)

  • Since dataflow doesn't really work currently, we need to fix that
  • Visualization will not easily be fixed, but that is not necessarily important
  • We need to see if fixing the problems of Stanislaw (HiWi here) might be more important to fix than this right now

Current developments (fma)

  • fma described his current situation
  • Stated his problems/solutions with the second Arduino
  • started his SCCharts already

Time planning (all)

  • fma: Wants to do everything until beginning of August, and the start writing
  • ssm: Don't push yourselve too hard, better do everything correct and then write, then doing things not good enough
  • ssm: If you have idle time you can start with outline, Style, Layout and some chapters maybe
  • lan: Start with the velocity-stuffs - then he is finished with everything non-SCCharts related
  • lan: Then start translating to SCCharts
  • ssm: Some people might construct "library-nodes" e.g. for integrating, to help the others if they also need those
  • lpe: More or less finished the simulation and synchronization
  • lpe: Still work to do with translating everything to SCCharts, but only after that is fixed
  • lpe: Safe landing is probably not part of lpe's Thesis, since it doesn't really fit - either lan takes this or it will just be done without it being written about in a thesis
  • New presentation maybe in the beginning of August
  • Uploads of Videos to the confluence should be possible
  • apo: Will be gone one 21st of August
  • apo: Wants to focus on later works that build on our project (Wiki, etc.)
  • apo: Also wants to do some things with SCCharts (maybe safe landing?)
    • Documentation is important for follow-up projects - very important, high priority
    • SCCharts is a possibility (but documentation seems more important)
    • But that doesn't mean apo should not do anything with SCCharts
  • Lots and lots of talk about Bachelor and Master theses
  • Another flighttest in the lobby soon?
    • Maybe in the evening, 6-8pm on a weekday instead of the weekend
  • Move the meeting to another time slot - maybe after the morning tea?
    • New time slot for the meeting: Wednesdays after the tea! (Wedndesdays 10am)
  • No labels