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  • WeightInG: Self explanatory, the weight in kilogram (not gram!)
  • Gravity: Self explanatory
  • DistanceRotorMiddle: The distance from the middle of the rotors to the mass centre of the copter
  • DegToRad: A helping constant to convert angles from Degrees to Radians
  • RPM: The revolutions per minute per Volt of the Motors
  • InertiaAA: The rotational inertias around the different axes. I have based these on the work of Luukkonen, who himself based these on the work of Tayebi and McGilvray (
  • InertiaA: The movement inertias of the copter. In contrast to the rotational inertia, these inertias are about the movement, not the rotation of the copter (well, duh...). Same as the above
  • DragConstant: This is a constant of the rotors. It describes the drag produced by turning a rotor. It depends on the density of the air, the radius of the blades, their shape and pitch angle, and more. More on the drag constant can be read on wikipedia:
  • LiftCoefficient: Same as the above, but is about the lift produced by a rotor. More can be read on wikipedia:
    • Both of these are again based on the works mentioned above
  • Motors: These are only needed, if you don't use the provided Java program. They set the motors to a value.
  • Yaw/Pitch/Roll: For debugging purposes - Can be changed so you can start with different angles
  • Walls: Simulate the room the copter is in. Distances to the walls from the center in meters
  • Scalings: Different variables to scale the values from the simulation to fit the values the gyroscope of the copter
