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  • IfI Account: If you do not have an employee account at the institute , you should get one at the Technik Service (see here for further details).
  • IfI Group in OLAT: Get access to the institute calendar and other institute-wide information.
  • Mailing Lists: Subscribe to rt-ma.
  • Calendar: Contact our system administrator to get access to shared calendars and follow the setup guide afterwards.
  • Plone Account: Contact our system administrator to receive an account for the RTSYS Homepage. There is no tutorial on how to use it, but any of your new colleges will be happy to give you a quick guide (probably, ...maybe, ...hopefully).
    • Personal Homepage: You should create a personal homepage on the Team page. Just follow the layout of the other personal homepages or ask them how they did it.
    • Photo: For historic reasons the portrait photo in the profile have a height:width aspect ratio of 4:3 but with a white padding to get them into a 3:4 ratio such that Plone will not scale them up, e.g. see here.
    • Publications: You can include a list of your publications on your homepage. The summary will be generated automatically from our central BibTex file (see next item) but you have to contact our system administrator to activate this feature beforehand.
  • BibTeX: At the group we maintain central BibTeX files and a Digital Library.
  • Parking: If you want to park on the CAU campus, you need a "Parkmarke". Contact the secretary for this.
  • Drivers Licence (optional): You should get a Landesfahrerlaubnis, which permits you to drive a CAU vehicle (eg, for excursions). We usually try to maintain a quota of two to three group members with this permit, hence, just ask if you are needed as a dedicated driver.
  • Account for Server (optional/on-demand): If you need access to a specific server for your work, you need to contact your system administrator.
  • Registration as a Ph.D. Student (ONLY Ph.D. Students): 
    1. On this page, you need to fill out the two forms listed below "Antrag auf Annahme als Doktorandin/Doktorand". Those froms need to be send to the dean of the faculty including a certified copy of the certificate and the report of your degree (Abschlussurkunde und Abschlusszeugniss). After those forms are processed you receive a document stating that you are accepted ad a Ph.D. Student.
    2. On this page you need to fill out the form "Erklärung zur Einschreibung für das Studienziel Promotion" and if you were a student at Kiel University prio you also need a form for declaring a change of study. This can be obtained here.  Those two forms and the "Nachweis eines Dekanats über die Annahme als Doktorand*in an einer Fakultät der CAU" need to be handed in at the Studierendenservice.
    3. For teaching, you will also need some continuing education (Weiterbildung).