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  • Moderator: ssm
  • Protocol: lan
  • Attendees:
    • ssm
    • cmot
    • fma
    • lan
    • apo
    • lpe
  • Start: 16:00
  • End: 18:00


Table of Contents

Zeitpläne anpassen
C-Librarys erst verwenden und dann ersetzen
Management der Zusammenarbeit muss optimiert werden
SCRUM einführen?
jetzt bald auf Simulation und interface einigen
(Diagramme erstellen soabld das klar ist)
Annikas SCChart simulation erstmal in den hintergrund
Wenn was aufgeschrieben wird auf Whiteboard am besten auch mit Foto ins Confluence
Confluence so viel benutzen wie möglich
Milestones ankündigen (wie z.b. erster Flug)
Wo projektordner im Stash?

Choosing the hardware (fma/lan/apo)

  • Choosing between Crazyflie or an alternative (i.e. FlameWheel F450 + Arduino board) --> Probably (most likely the FlameWheel F450!)
  • Determined the scope of working with the FlameWheel:
    • What can the Arduino do? SCCharts on Arduino? Might be a whole topic for a thesis
    • Is the Arduino strong enough (clockwise)
    • We will have to create a whole Flight Control (But there are presumably enough tutorials on the internet)
    • In General: Check existing projects (of Arduino-Copters and similar things)
    • Planning and Constructing of the Copter is not its own topic of a thesis
    • We still have to settle on concrete sensors
  • Estimate of prices important for our proposals
  • If things go wrong, always stay in contact with ssm/cmot! If there is really no solution, "it doesn't work" is also a conclusion for our theses

Stash, Confluence (lpe/ssm)

  • We need our own repository in the Stash
  • How does the Build work? Not necessarily important for us, since we for the most time wont work on the main branch (or on KIELER)
  • How does Confluence work for us? We needed our own page and working rights (–> Solved as of April 24th)
  • We need to uploads protocols and documentation

Proposals (all)


  • Skeletton
  • Sensors 
    • Distance
    • Positioning
    • Gyroscope
  • Microcontroller
    • (Arduino)


  • All of this probably in cooperation of all of us


  • Reading and Interpreting sensors and act accordingly


  • Collision control, what to do when the battery is low, when systems fail, etc.



  • We have seen that our management the last weeks was not as good as possible
  • For a better organization we decided to introduce SCRUM as management guideline
  • We need to agree on one single time schedule with deadlines
  • We need to announce milestone events during the development progress to make a planned documentation possible
  • We agreed on using existing C-Libraries to establish a working quadrocopter, so it will be possible to work on the flight control and the collision avoidance at the same time 
  • ssm promised to create a projekt repository inside the stash -> praktika

Cooperation with Mikheil Ilin

  • He develops a system with kind of the same goal (autonomous quadrocopter with collision avoidance)
    • He uses Python with existing libraries (different to us)
    • He uses a camera as proximity sensor (different to us)
    • He uses WiFi as communication tool (different to us)
    • He uses a Raspberry Pi as micro controller (different to us)
    • He wants to use his computer to calculate the data of the camera (different to us)
  • We decided to try to find a way to work together with Mikheil but the differences in our projects will not give much space for cooperation
  • we agreed to meet on 2015-05-08 10:00 where he wants to show his quadrocopter to us and show us how it works

Time Schedule

  • We agreed on a single time schedule for the project as listed below 

    2015-5-8allparts ordered
    2015-5-13.allInterface completed with component hierarchy
    until deliveryallexploring arduino and find useful c-libraries
    one week after deliveryallbuilt the copter
    2015-6-8lpeSimulation done

    motors and sensors functionality done
    flying with c-libraries possible
    found a solution to replace the libraries by SCCharts
    part for part 

    2015-6-29fmaCollision avoidance algorithm done
    2015-6-29lanbalanced flight done
    2015-7-3fmatest collision avoidance
    2015-7-6lpeEmergency system done
    2015-7-15lanMid air movement done
    2015-7-26lpeTranslation of simulation to SCCharts done

    Part decisions

  • A decision for the right ESC was still missing

  • After further review we decided on the following one:

  • for a good work with this we also need a so called programming card. we decided to use the following one:
    programming card