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We have moved the guide that shows how to model and compile an SCChart within KIELER to a new Quick Start Guide (pre 0.13). Be advised that in order to follow all explanations there may require the latest version of KIELER not the (possibly outdated) PLDI-Artifact.

Modeling SCCharts with KIELER – PLDI'14 Artifact

This tutorial should guide you if you like to model SCCharts with KIELER and use the circuit based software synthesis path as explained in our [1] PLDI'14 submission. We will show you how to


We will use a simple example here in order to illustrate the process. It should be straightforward to use these instructions in order to compile a more advanced SCChart. Note that there are known minor bugs in the current nightly build that will be fixed in the next release of KIELER 0.10.0. These bugs might in some cases prevent you from compiling more elaborate examplesPlease refer to the SCCharts superpage for the project status and known limitations. If you are interested in the source code you can find instruction how to download and compile it here: Getting Started.

See a list of the evaluated examples at the end.


[1] PLDI submission:


In addition to the step-by-step tutorial below we also captured a video that shows each of the explained steps:

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Download location:

1. Download & Start KIELER

Download a suitable KIELER version for your operation system. The zip bundles are fully compiled and ready-to-run, they do not need any further installation process. Just save and extract them to/at the location of your choice and start the KIELER executable.

Download Locationlocation:


Now you can proceed in modeling an SCChart as explained below.

2. + 3. Model and Compile an SCChart

Right-click on a project and create a (text) File:

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Name it abo.sct:

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The textual SCCharts Xtext based editor (for *.sct files) will automatically be opened:

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Now start modeling an SCChart. For example copy & paste the following sct code of abo, the hello world of SCCharts:

Code Block
scchart ABO {
  input output bool A;
  input output bool B;
  output bool O1;
  output bool O2;
  initial state Init
  --> WaitAB immediate with / O1 = false; O2 = false;
  state WaitAB {
    region HandleA:
    initial state WaitA
    --> DoneA  immediate with A / B = true; O1 = true;
    final state DoneA;
    region HandleB:
    initial state WaitB
    --> DoneB with B / O1 = true;
    final state DoneB;
  >-> GotAB with / O1 = false; O2 = true;
  state GotAB;

As you save (Ctrl+S), KIELER will automatically draw the graphical SCChart diagram in a new KLigD view:

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You may want to re-arrange views. Just drag the KLighD view to the right side:

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You will now see how to generate a C tick function.

Generate C Code

You can do several transformations on SCCharts (*.sct files). Just right click the file you want to transform in the project explorer and select the Transform SCChart sub menu. As abo is already a Core SCCart you do not need the core transformations. Click the All Normalize Transformations, this will do the Split Trigger and Effects and the Surface and Depth transformations together (in this order).

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After performing a transformation the transformed SCChart will open (together with it's KLighD diagram visualization):

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Now generate the Sequentially Constructive Graph (SCG) from the normalized form. You do this also in the context menu of the Project Explorer by selecting the *.normalized.sct and choosing Generate SCG:

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When selecting the abo.normalized.scg file the SCG diagram will be automatically synthesized (you may also want to re-arrange the KLigD view by dragging in to the right side again):

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You can now populate the SCG automatically with dependency data. Choose Transform SCG -> SCG with Dependency Data from the context menu:

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This will result in the following SCG:

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Now populate the SCG with basic block information:

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The SCG with calculated basic blocks will look like this:

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The next step in compilation is the (more fine grained) calculate of scheduling blocks:

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The populated SCG with scheduling information looks like this:

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The SCG is now ready to be sequentialized. A primitive scheduler currently is included in KIELER but more elaborate ones are already in the pipe line:

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The sequentialized SCG looks like this:

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From here its only a short hop to C code. Transform the sequentialized SCG into an S Tick Function:

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When opening the S file (abo.normalized.seq.s) this already is very c like code. Selecting Generate SC




 We have moved the guide that shows how to model and compile an SCChart within KIELER to a new Quick Start Guide (pre 0.13). Be advised that in order to follow all explanations there may require the latest version of KIELER not the (possibly outdated) PLDI-Artifact.


4. Evaluated Examples

In the following, you find the examples used for evaluation. Be advised that there currently is no tool integrated evaluation possible. Please refer to the SCCharts superpage for the project status and known limitations.

Find the list of Examples used for evaluation here.