Versions Compared


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Find out what's new in the upcoming V2 version 1.0 release of SCCharts!

Table of Contents

What is new in SCCharts Version 1.0?

One main change is the new textual SCCharts syntax using the new .sctx file extension. See Converting Legacy Models (sct) on how to convert your existing models.

Controlflow / Dataflow Hybrid-Models


  • Added Scheduling Directives
  • Added Probabilistic Transitions
  • Added timed automata support for SCCharts

New Expressions

  • Expression language now supports infix assignment operators
  • Expression language now supports bitwise xor and bitwise not
  • Expression language now supports shift operators
  • Expression language now supports the ternary conditional operator
  • Operator precedences are now correctly mapped to the kexpressions model structure
  • Improved host code expressions support 


  • Primes can be used in identifier
  • Hostcode now uses accent grave (`)
  • Function call syntax with angle brackets is considered deprecated. It can still be accessed with the extern keyword
  • Semicolon now exclusively stands for the sequence operator. By default you don't need a semicolon as line/command delimiter.
  • To see a complete overview of the SCCharts syntax, please consult our SCCharts syntax page.

What is new in KIELER SCCharts Version 1.0?

New Compiler Framework (a.k.a. KiCo 3.0 a.k.a. KiCool)

  • Compilation systems are now models which can be configured and instantiated at run-time
  • Redone all associated views and Added pre-configured systems and processorsfor all existing compilation approaches and tests
  • Redone all associated views 
    • Added multi-select in side-by-side mode
  • Integrated model element tracing
  • Integrated valued object meta information

New Code Generation for SCCharts

  • The code generation now creates functions that can handle different status instances of a program.
  • The model status is generally saved to a dedicated struct.
  • Added new state-based code generation approach for C 
  • Added new lean state-based code generation approach for C
  • There now exist modular compilation systems for all supported compilation approaches
    • Netlist-based C
    • Netlist-based Java
    • Priority-based C
    • Priority-based Java
    • State-based C
    • Lean State-based C
  • All compilation systems have additional variants for simulation and tests

New Supplementary Code Generations

  • Original Esterel
  • SCEst
  • Experimental compilation to Lustre
  • Experimental compilation from Lustre

New Processors

  • Besides the mandatory processors for the a.m. code generators there are several optional new processors for academic and experimental purposes
    • generic SSA
    • Loop analyses and compiler optimizations (e.g. copy & constant propagation)
    • External compiler invocation
    • Arduino deployment
    • Eclipse project setups
    • Structural Depth Join (SDJ) for schizophrenic models

New Warnings & Errors

  • Detailed reference warnings
  • Label shadowing


The simulation backend has been rewritten to be more lightweight, flexible and transparent and to better integrate in the workflow.

Major new features are:

  • simulation of multiple models at once that interact with each other
  • starting the simulation with precompiled executables
  • support for arrays
  • more user friendly interaction with the simulation
  • a DSL (kisim files) to configure complex simulation setups

Simulation Visualization

The current state of a running simulation can be displayed by setting attributes of elements in an SVG image. For instance it is possible to set the color or position of elements based on the value of a variable in the simulation.
Furthermore it is possible to interact with SVG elements to control the simulation and set variable values. This way it is possible to define buttons in the SVG to play, pause, step or stop the simulation, as well as setting variables.


  • Improved usability for simulations (one-click simulations)
  • Support for arrays and internal variables, such as SCG guards
  • Full integration of simulation code generation into KiCo and the project structure (KIELER-Temp project)

Simulation Visualization

  • Added dedication data view for simulation values
  • Added live values inside the model diagram
  • Simulation visualization view that links an SVG image to the program state, using a mapping and javascript commands defined in a kiviz file.

What is new in KIELER SCCharts Version 1.0 for Developers?

Grammar Changes

  • A dash (-) is now available in ExtendedIDs. SCCharts States may now include dashes in their IDs.
  • Single underscore (_) IDs are no longer valid. Underscores prefix generated IDs or are Value keywords.


  • Valued Objects in assignments and emissions are now valued object references. Hence, they reuse the KExpressions concepts.
    • If you @inject KEffectsExtensions, you can use the same syntax as before. Otherwise, assignment.reference is the ValuedObjectReference that points to the referenced ValuedObject. You can use the reference as usual. Keep in mind that it is a containment.


  • The compiler framework now uses KiCo 3.0. Please consult the developer documentation of KiCo for further questions.
  • The simulation framework now uses the V3 simulation based on KiCo 3.0. Please consult the developer documentation of the simulation for further questions.
  • Most of the test cases now uses the models repository directly. You can specify the location of you models repository in the models_repository variable in your test launch configuration.   Please consult the developer documentation of the test framework for further questions.