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  • IfI Account: If you do not have an employee account at the institute , you should get one at the Technik Service (see here for further details).
  • Mailing Lists: Subscribe to rt-ma.
  • Photo: To get listed on the group's website and poster, please send a portrait photo to the secretary. The portrait photo should have a height:width aspect ratio of 4:3, eg 640x480 pixels (or higher resolution).
  • BibTeX: At the group we maintain central BibTeX files and a Digital Library.
  • WWW Maintenance: To get write-access to our website (that is, to the Typo3 content management system), please ask the system administrator to request this from the webmaster.
  • Personal Homepage: You should create a personal homepage, following the layout of the other personal homepages. After doing that, you should contact the secretary, who will link in your page from the Kontakt/Contact page accordingly.
  • Drivers Licence: You should get a Landesfahrerlaubnis, which permits you to drive a CAU vehicle (eg, for excursions).
  • Parking: If you want to park on the CAU campus, you need a "Parkmarke". Contact the secretary for this.
  • Publications: To list your publications correctly, you need to add your name to /home/biblio/bib/ on the aeon server.
  • Registration as a Ph.D. Student (ONLY Ph.D. Students): 
    1. On this page, you need to fill out the two forms listed below "Antrag auf Annahme als Doktorandin/Doktorand". Those froms need to be send to the dean of the faculty including a certified copy of the certificate and the report of your degree (Abschlussurkunde und Abschlusszeugniss). After those forms are processed you receive a document stating that you are accepted ad a Ph.D. Student.
    2. On this page you need to fill out the form "Erklärung zur Einschreibung für das Studienziel Promotion" and if you were a student at Kiel University prio you also need a form for declaring a change of study. This can be optained here.  Those two forms need to be handed in at the Studierendenservice.
    3. For teaching, you will also need some continuing education (Weiterbildung).