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Esterel-Studio is a IDE for Esterel . It contains a graphical interface to create Safe State Machines, an editor for Esterel and several tools, e.g., for verification.


Our license for Esterel Studio is only valid inside the domain Therefore a client runnning Esterel Studio must have a permanent network connection inside that domain to be able to talk to the license server. An independent home installation is not possible.

To start Esterel Studio just call


and the graphical modeling tool appears.

Observe that Esterel Studio uses Esterel V7.


Examples from Esterel Technologies

The example project files delivered with Esterel Studio are located in


They are organized in three hierarchies with different grades of complexity: "Basic", "Intermediate", and "Advanced":


To try them out, copy a projects directory into a working directory of yours and start Esterel Studio:

   mkdir abro
   cd abro
   cp -r /home/esterel/EsterelStudio/examples/Basic/Abro/* .
   /home/esterel/bin/estudio abro.etp &

Locally Prepared Examples

There are two example directories prepared for use as templates for your own projects:

  • /home/esterel/estudio/examples/
          Native compilation and execution on the host (Unix/Linux) architecture.
              o Makefile:    Input file for the make command.
              o ABRO.etp:    Project file for Esterel Studio.
              o ABRO.scg:    SyncChart file containing the ABRO machine.
              o ABRO.h:       C header file with interface declarations.
              o ABRO_data.c:    C code with functions for signal interfacing and keyboard control. 
  • /home/esterel/estudio/example-legOS/
          Crosscompilation for the LEGO Mindstorms system with the alternative operating system legOS.
              o Makefile:    Input file for the make command.
              o ABRO.etp:    Project file for Esterel Studio.
              o ABRO.scg:    SyncChart file containing the ABRO machine.
              o ABRO.h:       C header file with interface declarations.
              o ABRO_data.c:    C code with functions for data processing and legOS calls. 


The compilation of a project into textual Esterel and C code is started by

Project->Generate Code

The code for the former ABRO example is placed in the following directories (relative to the working directory):


It is possible to perform this task on the command line without startup of the full graphical interface:

/home/esterel/bin/estudio --embedded ABRO.etp

To compile the resulting Esterel file into C code execute:

/home/esterel/bin/esterel7 -v7 -Lc -W Default/Code/Temp/ABRO.strl

Generate VHDL Code

To Generate VHDL create a new "Configuration" with a handy name like "VHDL" and choose "VHDL" as "Target Language". Follow the Compilation steps.


  • due to the fact that VHDL is case insensitive, beware of naming your identifier case sensitive
  • read the guide: Generating efficient hardware with Esterel V7 and Esterel Studio: use whenever possible temp and value-only signals to reduce the amount of registers
  • If you use BlockRam feature of the FPGA board and you get strange deadlock problems, it might help to add a NOT to the clock input pin or toggle the behavior of the clock input from falling to rising or v.v..

Makefile for the Unix target

The Makefile in /home/esterel/estudio/example compiles esterel programs for the Unix-Target.

The following targets are available (replace ABRO with the base name of your project):

  • make ABRO compiles and links the Esterel file ABRO.strl along with ABRO_data.c into an executable file ABRO.
  • make ABRO.c If you are only interested in the C code generated from the Esterel file you can use this target. It just calls the Esterel compiler to produce the C code ABRO.c from ABRO.strl.

Makefile for the legOS target

The Makefile in /home/esterel/estudio/example-legOS compiles esterel programs for the legOS-Target. It is similar to the one for Unix with some additional targets for kernel and program upload into the RCX.

The following targets are available (replace ABRO-rcx with the base name of your project):

  • make ABRO.lx compiles and links the Esterel file ABRO.strl along with ABRO_data.c into a binary image ABRO.lx. This image can be uploaded into the RCX to be executed.
  • make ABRO.c If you are only interested in the C code generated from the Esterel file you can use this target. It just calls the Esterel compiler to produce the C code ABRO.c from ABRO.strl.
  • make ABRO.dll uploads the binary image ABRO.lx into the RCX. If ABRO.lx is not existant or not up to date, then it is rebuilt.
  • make kernel just uploads the kernel into the RCX (e.g. after a crash)


Several documents are available: Manuals for EsterelStudio and textual Esterel. For copyright reasons we can not provide HTTP links to these files. Therefore they are only locally available in the directory /home/esterel/EsterelStudio/doc.

Further information can be found at [ Esterel Technologies].


To animate a Safe State Machine while the program is executed, the esi file format can be used.

  • the input function should print the input whenever it calls a input function of the SSM
  • after every step of the automaton, a ";" should be printed
  • when the program is executed, select Simulation->ConnectToFile and play
  • No labels