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All download packages available on this page are subject to the Eclipse Public License (EPL). Further licenses may apply to bundled components as noted at the bottom of this page.



KIELER Web Service Tool

Command-line tool for graph layout using the KIELER graph layout service. Use the help command-line argument for usage information. Service meta-data information, including a list of algorithms, options, and file formats, are available at If unambiguous, it is sufficient to write only the last segment of layout option, algorithm, and file format identifiers.

Example usage: To send the file to the server and write the result to kennedyanc_out.svg, use the following command:

 java -jar kwebs.jar outfile=kennedyanc_out.svg

In this case the input file format is automatically recognized as Graphviz Dot and the output file format is recognized as SVG from the file extensions. If you only need graph format conversion without layout, use the option --noLayout.

The package can also be used as a Java class library: use to create a layout service port. For example, to request layout on the graph "graph" at the server address "server", use:

 ConsoleClient.connect(server).graphLayout(graph, informat, outformat, options);

The strings "informat" and "outformat" are the graph format identifiers for input and output, respectively, and "options" is a list of "GraphLayoutOption" instances, which are used to map layout option identifiers to specific values (use Collections.emptyList() for default values). The output graph format may be null, in which case the output format is the same as the input format.


Downloads - KIELER Layout Algorithms

Java class library for automatic graph layout. Contains algorithms from the KLay project, which use the KGraph data structure as interface. The algorithms can be built into any Java program in order to calculate nice two-dimensional layouts of graph-like structures. Ptolemy is an example of such a Java program where KLay has been integrated for automatic layout of actor diagrams.

Downloads - KIELER Layout Algorithms

Excerpt Include
Downloads - KIELER Ptolemy Browser
Downloads - KIELER Ptolemy Browser

Excerpt Include
Downloads - KIELER Web Service Tool
Downloads - KIELER Web Service Tool

Excerpt Include
Downloads - KIELER Layout Web Server
Downloads - KIELER Layout Web Server




KIELER software is made available under the Eclipse Public License, except for some integrated third-party components. KIELER can be used independently from OGDF, Libavoid, and Ptolemy, but depends on the Google Guava library.
