
RT-Group Manual

This RT-Group Manual gives a (more or less) systematic overview of "how things work" in our group. This manual is relevant for all "rt-group members", which includes employees and students advised a group member (bachelor/master/study/diploma/doctoral theses).

General Information

  • Medical Emergencies: A First Aid Kit (Erste-Hilfe Kasten) is in the kitchen (Teeküche, Room 1120). Above the first aid kit there is a poster with basic first aid information including the name of the first aid specialist (Ersthelfer) for the floor.
  • Evacuation (Geschossbeauftragter): In case of evacuation Tim Grebien is responsible that the floor is cleared.
  • Tea: The probably most important piece of advice: participate in the "tea meetings". Daily at 9:30 am in the lab 1114/1115. Yes, this also applies to the students!
  • Energy Awareness: Be concious of resource usage, including unnecessary stand-by operations. PCs and Displays should be turned off when leaving for more than a couple of hours.
  • Group calendar: The central calendar is software based, see Kalender for usage instructions. Please mark planned absences there (travel, holidays).
  • Oberseminar: The forum for internal presentations of ongoing research, including student theses. All group members (except for non-scientific staff) should give a presentation there once per semester, and should attend all presentations. Please inform the Oberseminar organizer in advance if you cannot participate.
  • Data Backup: Your home directory (rtsys account) is backed up daily. To save space on the backup drive, you should list parts that do not have to be backed up in ~/.backup-ignore. Detailed information can be found here .
  • Reporting Technical Problems: See the explanations given here .
  • Security: To prevent theft, all offices, labs and server/printer rooms should generally be locked if nobody from the group is around. The protocols for the different rooms in question are as follows.
    • Rooms 1111 - 1113, 1116 - 1118: Locked by the last person to leave the room (for longer than a very short break - this qualification is henceforth omitted).
    • Lab 1114/1115: Locked by the last person to leave one of the room. If you don't have a suitable key, find somebody in the other offices who does. Furthermore, the last person to leave one of the offices 1111 - 1113 should check that both lab doors are locked, or that somebody that has a key for the lab is inside and is aware that he/she should lock the lab upon leaving.
    • Server/Printer Room 1122: Similarly to the lab, the last person to leave one of the offices 1111 - 1113 should lock this room, or ensure that somebody is in the lab 1114/1115 that has a key to 1122 and is aware that he/she should lock 1122 upon leaving.
    • General note: Beyond these codifications - use common sense to prevent problems. Also, this protocol is meant to prevent theft, not to prevent work. If you regularly find yourself kicked out of the lab or not getting printer access as needed because you don't have the right key, contact the head of the group about the option of getting a different key.

Things to do as a new member

  • Ifi Account: If you do not have an account at the institute, you should get one at the  Rechnerbetriebsgruppe (see  here for further details).
  • Rtsys Account: To get access to the group's network you need to contact the System Administrator . Per default, this account has the same name as the ifi account, and will be deleted (with some delay) after the ifi account has been deleted.
  • Password: You should change your Password immediately using /home/local/bin/passwd
  • Mailing Lists: As described here , you should subscribe to  rt-all and, if you are a new staff member (Mitarbeiter), also to  rt-ma.
  • SSH: If you do not already have an SSH-Key , you should generate one to get access to some software you need.
  • Git: To get access to our Git repositories, register with our  Gitorious system, upload your SSH key and ask the System Administrator to add you to the user groups there.
  • Subversion: To get access to our legacy Subversion Repositories ask the System Administrator.
  • Photo: To get listed on the group's website and poster, please send a portrait photo to the Secretary . The portrait photo should have a height:width aspect ratio of 4:3, eg 640x480 pixels (or higher resolution).
  • Keys: To get a key to your office, please contact the Secretary . New HiWis must ask for a key in room 707 (Ulrike Pollakowski-Geuther).
  • WWW: To further familiarize yourself with the group's activities and processes, you should surf and read the group's  website and wiki . In particular, there is further advice if you write a thesis or if you prepare a paper for publication .
  • BibTeX: At the group we maintain central BibTeX files and a Digital Library .
  • KIELER: If you are working in the KIELER project, see the  Project Website and especially read and follow the  KIELER Quickstartguide to learn about out programming requirements!

Further things to do as a new staff member

The following applies to new Mitarbeiter.

  • WWW Maintenance: To get write-access to our website, ie., to the Typo3 content management system, please ask the System Administrator to request this from the webmaster.
  • Personal Homepage: You should create a personal homepage, following the layout of the other personal homepages. After doing that, you should contact the Secretary , who will link in your page from the Kontakt/Contact page accordingly.
  • Drivers Licence: You should get a "Landesführerschein", which permits you to drive a CAU vehicle (eg, for excursions). Contact the Secretary for this.
  • Parking: If you want to park on the CAU campus, you need a "Parkmarke". Contact the Secretary for this.
  • Publications: To list your publications correctly, you need to add your name to /home/biblio/bib/