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Version 0.11.0 hasn't been released yet. These release notes are not complete.


We are happy to provide release 0.11.0 of the KIELER Pragmatics Project! It is a framework for enhanced user interaction in graphical modeling that builds on the Eclipse platform. This document describes how to install the release and highlights the most exciting new features.

As a bonus, we are co-releasing both our KLighD-based KIELER Ptolemy Browser and the . The KIELER Web Service for Layout (KWebS) will be updated to the new release soon as well.


Table of Contents


  • KIELER Light-Weight Diagrams
    • IViewer<?> now  now provides the method method getViewContext() as  as the view contexts contain the source/diagram elements mapping information.

    • IViewer's method getModel() is marked deprecated and will be removed soon.
    • ContextViewer's method method getCurrentViewContext() is  is deprecated and will be removed soon.

    • The dedicated internal interface interface ILayoutRecorder now provides  now provides startRecording() and  and stopRecording(...). These method's are not supposed to be called by application code.

    • Diagram outline pages must now implement implement IDiagramOutlinePage (internal as well), viewer implementation providing outline pages must implement the related related Provider interface interface.

    • The base plug-

    • in
    • in de.cau.cs.kieler.klighd

    • does
    •  does not provide and support

    • for
    • for KIVi (KIELER Infrastructur for Viewmanagement) anymore;

      • include the new plug-

    • in
      • in de.cau.cs.kieler.klighd.kivi

    • in
      •  in order to use the established effects.

    • The The DiagramViewPart, DiagramEditorPart, DiagramViewManager implementations  implementations moved to to de.cau.cs.kieler.klighd.ui, which has been introduced with the last release.

    • The The ViewContext, which is a record of all data required for building up a diagram, now provides a reference to the workbench part the diagram is shown in (was available via via ContextViewer as  as yet).

    • IDiagramWorkbenchPart's getContextViewer() has been marked deprecated, simply use getViewer() (in case really need to access the ContextViewer call getViewer().getContextViewer())
  • KIELER Infrastructure for Meta-Layout
    • A new base feature for KIML was created, containing only the API, but no UI (use this feature if you don’t want the KIELER UI contributions in your application)

    • A generic type check was added to the method setProperty(...) in IPropertyHolder

    • DiagramLayoutEngine moved from kiml.ui plugin to kiml.service plugin

    • Added layout options for animation, zoom-to-fit, and progress bar display

    • Modified DiagramLayoutEngine methods to use these new options

    • IDiagramLayoutManager and LayoutMapping moved from kiml.ui plugin to kiml.service plugin

    • LayoutDataService implementation moved from kiml.ui plugin to kiml.service plugin

    • LayoutInfoService implementation moved from kiml.ui plugin to kiml.service plugin and renamed to LayoutConfigService

    • Extension point layoutInfo renamed to layoutConfigs, element option renamed to staticConfig, element semanticOption renamed to semanticConfig, element config renamed to customConfig

    • Created base class for LayoutConfigService in kiml base plugin

    • Layout configurators now reference domain model elements as Object instead of EObject
    • AnalysisService moved from kiml.service plugin to kiml.grana plugin

    • TransformationService moved from kiml.service plugin to kiml.formats plugin and renamed to GraphFormatsService

    • Extension point layoutManagers moved from kiml.ui plugin to kiml.service plugin

    • Removed support for IGraphLayoutEngine implementations from layoutManagers extension point

    • Created new class LayoutManagersService in kiml.service from code that was previously hidden in kiml.ui

    • Removed KWebS client for Eclipse (kwebs.client) and removed special code for that client from KIML

    • Moved content of KWebS base plugin to kwebs.server

    • Using IFactory interface for lazy creation of KIML service classes

    • Moved LayoutContext class to kiml.config

    • Modified ILayoutConfig methods: getAffectedOptions(..) instead of transferValues(..)


  • KIELER Light-Weight Diagrams
  • KIELER Layout Algorithms
  • KIELER Infrastructure for Meta-Layout
  • KIELER Ptolemy Viewer
    • In order to support early prototyping further, the KLighD Project Wizard (introduced with the 0.10.0 release) registers simple menu contributions if corresponding item is checked.
      Besides, the compiler settings of the created projects are locally set to Java 1.5 compliance level in order to avoid conflicts in combination with Java 1.7 runtime environments.
      Image AddedImage Added
    • KLighD diagrams may be clipped in order to reduce depicted content.
      Image AddedImage Added
    • In diagram synthesis implementations colors may now be set by means of the Colors enumeration in de.cau.cs.kieler.core.krendering package and corresponding methods in the KColoring classes.
    • The selection highlighting of diagram elements may now be specified by means of selection-specific KStyles with the related selection flag set to true. Find also related helper methods in the KRenderingExtensions. The sequence of a KInvisibility style with invisible = true (the initial value) and a selection-specific KInvisibility with invisible = false allows to uncover additional figure components in case of selection (smile)
  • KIELER Layout Web Services (KWebS)
    • We added a 'Live' section to the supporting server where you can play around with different graphs and options.
    • A new format (JSON) was introduced.
    • Besides the SOAP-based web service we know also support HTTP-Post requests, e.g. allowing a lightweight use from JavaScript.


  • Save a Ptolemy model as a .moml file somewhere.
  • Download and start our Ptolemy Model Browser.

    titleNote for Mac OS Users

    Starting with Mac OS X Mountain Lion, starting trying to start the Ptolemy Model Browser may give you the following error message:


    The solution is to right-click or Ctrl-left-click the application and choose "Open" from the context menu. This will open the following dialog:


    The problem is not that our application file is damaged in any way. Much rather, we have not invested the money to obtain a proper developer certificate with which this error would not be generated. The solution is to open your system preferences and navigate to the Security & Privacy settings. Therein, make sure to set Allow apps downloaded from to Anywhere:

    Image Added

    Start the Ptolemy Browser again. This will result in the following warning:

    Image Added

    Simple click "Open" and you're good to go at last.

  • Open your moml file.
  • Double-click actors that have further models inside them. Also double-click modal model states that have refinements. Use the sidebar on the right to influence how your model is displayed.
