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 * updated 

13.08.15 - 


31.07.15 - Update: Potentially wrong potential

While working with different electronic devices, one has always to make sure, that all grounds are the same. 

Not knowing about this, we had some wasted hours today, trying to find out, why all of our sensors messed up their values. 

The problem was, that the sensors were powered by the quadcopter battery while the microcontroller was powered via USB by the computer, which itself ran on it's battery. To make the buildup work, we needed to make sure, that the microcontroller was also powered by the quadcopter battery and only the TXD and RXD pins werde connected to the computer. 

27.07.15 - Update*

After a long day of tinkering, everything is wired up and all 10 ultrasonic sensors are ready to be used (hopefully).

After three of the sensors were not working with the Arduino Nano, using all 8 analog pins and all 12 digital pins for the 20 connections (1 trigger pin and 1 echo pin per sensor), we found out, that the analog pins 6 and 7 can not be used via digitalWrite or -Read but only used for analogRead. By changing the order of the wires we will get around this problem. 


Unfortunately the reordering of the wires is not expedient. It is not possible to use the analogRead function for a proper signal determination in time. 

The next approach of rewriting the NewPing library for making it able to trigger two sensors at once and then wait for the two echoes on separate pins also didn't work because the Arduino Nano doesn't seem to be able to hold the 5 volts trigger signal reliably on both sensors' trigger pins.

This this leads to the final alternative of replacing the Nano with two Arduino Pro Minis, which have together enough pins to read out all sensors and to communicate with the Arduino Mega. As a side effect we will be able to get sensor data twice as often as with only one controller, because the waiting time is halved.

Updates coming...   

19.07.15 - Experiment

Start:10:00 Attendees:







Protocol:fma (tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)

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09.07.15 - Update: What needs to be done

Currently there is a big blocker in our way to success - we cannot fly, until the rotor protectors have been printed and the 3D printer is not printing due to an unknown error. Last stabilization approaches have been more or less successful but without any protectors we will ruin another motor, as we have already.

This is a small overview over the current tasks and their dependencies:

Print: 4 x blade-protectors/sensor-holders, 1 x sensor-holder for bottom sensor   blocker, waiting for repair

→ Work on: stabilized flight

difficult, but possible

Discuss: Interfaces:

  • Which functions does the Arduino framework provide?
  • How can we access all required values/variables?
  • How does the communication between Arduino and simulation look like?
doable with all project members. waiting for lan to convalensce
Discuss: Connection of SCCharts on the Arduinodoable with fma and lan, waiting for better SCCharts


  • Emergency landing
easy, simple function setting throttle to specified value
  • Remote control via notebook/smartphone
quite easy, just manipulate the intended balancing position
  • Arduino Mega and Nano communication
quite easy, some try and error, but usual communicatio

09.07.15 - Progress Simulation and Emergency Systems

Today, an important part of the simulation was added: The Distance Sensors!

Though...they are quite poor. I used a lot of approximations and simplifications, but they are still usable. It should be possible to effectively test the quadcopter to avoid crashing into walls. Hopefully. I won't go into detail of what I approximated here, but will go into that at a later date, when I explain the whole simulation in greater detail (soon! I promise).

On the other hand the communication has been updated and should work properly (haven't really tested it yet, but I see no reason why it shouldn't work anyways).  I will have to implement everything into the Arduino code soon, but I will need more help with the interfacing (as posted above).

30.06.15 - Added Direction Control

Today the current code was updated in the way the bluetooth commands were added so it is possible to give the quadcopter commands to fly in a given direction.

'a'Copter turns CCW by 1 degree
'd'Copter turns CW by 1 degree
'i'Copter tilts front by 1 dregree
'k'Copter tilts back by one degree
'j'Copter tilts left by one degree
'l'Copter tilts right by one degree

These commands require a fully functional PID controlling for all three axis.

Further I have found the Problem with the Bluetooth connection via smartphone. if the screen blacks out the bluetooth connection gets killed with the string Bluetooth Terminal disconnected. The 'e' character in this string ends the motors. Solution for this has to be found.

26.06.15 - Current Situation

Today we worked on the balancing of the quadcopter. It worked rather well (I think), and after some testing, we got values of about P = 0.055 and D = 0.057. The I-value is currently at 0.05, but we have no idea how to properly adjust the I-parameter. The quadcopter is flying rather stable, but is drifting to the sides quite heavily (probably I-parameter?).

We have not yet touched the yaw-values, since we were quite paranoid about crashing the copter and Steven wanted us to be more careful with the copter. He offered us to maybe try and fly the copter in more open spaces (i.e. the lobby), but only after 6 and with his (or Christians) supervision. Before doing that he wants us to have a safe landing mechanism though (as in: not complete shut off of the motors, but a slow descend - values of about 180-182 should be sufficient, dont know if Steven wants exactly that, but that is what I collected from talking to him).

Steven also emphasizes again, that we need more spare parts, if something goes awry! Maybe we should order more Motors or a new Frame for Steven. He also had the idea of soft buffers for the feet so the landing isn't as hard.

25.06.15 - Meeting

Start:16:00 Attendees:







Protocol:lpe (tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)

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10.06.15 - Simulation: Problems with variables

There were unknown variables for a few weeks in the simulation. Namely the drag coefficient, the lift coefficient and the inertia of the quadcopter body. No real solution has been found as of yet.

One the other hand, the simulation is pretty much finished. The movement of the quadcopter works as intended (if the unknown variables would be known). There is still uncertainty about the output though. It is important to know, if the output of the acceleration has to be in the direction of the body frame of the quadcopter or the direction of the inertial frame (in the direction the copter is nudged or the xyz-direction of the room the copter is in).

A missing feature is some form of object distance measurement (putting the copter into a virtual room and outputting the distances to the walls). This will hopefully be acomplished within the next week.

As for the missing variables, here is some information gathered which might help:


"What do you think of reducing the quadcopter to a spheric point mass with 4 point masses located distance l from the centre. So basically Ixx=(2m(r^2)/5)+2m(l^2),Iyy=(2m(r^2)/5)+2m(l^2) and Izz=(2m(r^2)/5)+4m(l^2). I was suggested a paper written by Randal Beard. This is how he calculates its. I cant actually do it experimentally because I need to simulate it before building."


Lift Coefficient & Drag Coefficient:

C= (L/Al)/(0,5*p*V²)

mit     L  = Lift Force

    Al = cross sectional area of the airfoil

    p  = Air density

    V  = wind speed


D = (D/Ad)/(0,5*p*V²)

mit     D  = Drag Force

    Ad = effective area of the airfoil in the drag direction



Another nice read:


Yet these two formulas might not even help since both papers I'm currently working with say that the constants in their simulations are only dependent on the lift coefficient and the drag coefficient.


Theses my work is based on: and

03.06.15 - Update: The Ultrasonic Problem

Measuring distances with an ultrasonic sensor poses an unexpected challenge - dealing with the speed of sonic.

The HC-SR04 waits for a 10µs HIGH signal on the Trig-pin, then generates an ultrasonic pulse and starts listening for it's echo to return. While listening the sensor sets the Echo-pin on HIGH, so a negative edge to LOW on this pin means that the echo has returned.

Detecting an obstacle's distance basically means measuring the time from the pulse's generation to its echo's return, in other words measuring the time the Echo-pin is on HIGH, and afterwards calculate the distance with the help of sonic speed:

distance = time / 2 * sonic_speed                (1)

The division by two is done because the sonic has traveled two times the way to the obstacle. Sonic speed "in dry air of a temperature of 20 °C (68 °F) at sea level [...] is approximately 343.2 m/s"1 which we can translate into µs/cm:

343.2m/s = (1/343.2)s/m = 2913µs/m = 29.1µs/cm   (2)

This brings us to the usually used form:

distance(cm) = (duration(µs) / 2) / 29.1(µs/cm)  (3)

To implement such behavior the usual approach is to just trigger one sensor after another and wait for the negative edge each. 

This can be realized like this:

// for each sensor {
      long duration, distance;
      digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
      duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
      distance = (duration/2) / 29.1;
// }

The pulseIn function is a blocking function, which means that the processor has to wait until former has finished. 
Lets assume the quadcopter is somewhere in the middle of a large room and neglect the distance to the ground and ceiling. The Arduino has to measure the proximity of eight sensors. In the equation (2) we can see that the sonic needs 2.9ms per meter. A distance of two meters in all directions can add up to 8 * 2 * 2m * 2.9ms = 92.8ms. With three meters distance it'll take a time of approximately 8 * 2 * 3m * 2.9ms = 139.2ms.

This measurement cannot be done by the main Arduino, because the tick times would be much too long for the balancing and other safety critical operations. 

A much worse problem is that the pulseIn function waits up to three minutes without returning and gives no possibility to lower this value, so in case the sensor points in an unfavorable direction the acoustic waves could reflect somehow and not return to the sensor. Although while flight this should be extremely rare, there is a potential chance of long lags in the program, which is unacceptable.

To handle these issues the developer Tim Eckel wrote his NewPing Library for Arduino and provided it under GNU GPL v3 license. With help of it we can create a simple sketch with two ultrasonic sensors. If a distance is above the set MAX_DISTANCE or not available 0 is returned, so there are no great lags anymore. 

#include <NewPing.h>
#define TRIGGER_PIN_1 12
#define ECHO_PIN_1 11
#define TRIGGER_PIN_2 10
#define ECHO_PIN_2 9
#define MAX_DISTANCE 200
#define pingSpeed 100 // Ping frequency (in milliseconds), fastest we should ping is about 35ms per sensor
#define printSpeed 1000
unsigned long pingTimer1, pingTimer2, printTimer;
unsigned int uS1, uS2;
void setup() {
  pingTimer1 = millis() + pingSpeed;
  pingTimer2 = pingTimer1 + (pingSpeed / 2);
  printTimer = millis() + printSpeed;
void loop() {
  if (millis() >= pingTimer1) {
    pingTimer1 += pingSpeed;
    uS1 =;
  if (millis() >= pingTimer2) {
    pingTimer2 = pingTimer1 + (pingSpeed / 2);
    uS2 =;
  if (millis() >= printTimer) {
    printTimer += printSpeed;
    Serial.print("Ping1: ");
    Serial.print("Ping2: ");

For serving the ultrasonic sensors a second smaller Arduino Nano will be used which then writes all measured distances via serial communication to the main Arduino.



02.06.15 - Update: First Movements


28.05.15 - Meeting

Start:16:00 Attendees:







Protocol:fma (tick)(tick)(tick) 

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21.05.15 - Meeting

Start:16:00 Attendees:







Protocol:apo (tick) (tick) 

Click here for details...

13.05.15 - Update*

For providing the ability of using the real sensors and actuators as well as the simulation to test the quadcopter, we decided to use some interface, which can both, communicate with the hardware or with the simulation.

Update (16.05.15):

A basic Arduino Sketch with description is published under the Software section, outlining all current challenges of the projects code.

12.05.15 - Update

Since the components are shipped with an unknown arrival date and for testing the interaction of the different sensors and actuators we will build an Arduino Lego Mindstorms setup on three wheels.

The NXT will therefor provide some basic navigation functions like goForwards, goBackwards, rotateRight, etc., as the software for basic flight is going to do later, too, and control the motors accordingly. The Arduino will be connected to the rest of existing components as usual. 

An NXT block is generally able to communicate over I2C as master to any slave device, for instance the Arduino. Via simple looped polling the NXT can ask the Arduino for drive commands.

To connect the Lego block to the Arduino a Mindstorms NXT cable is ordered, which will be cut open and linked to the microcontroller. For further understanding about wiring and I2C the LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT Hardware Developer Kit.pdf gives a good start. In addition the webpages of leJOS News and Dexter Industries seem to be quite helpful and even give some basic code example. Further information following...

11.05.15 - Update*

Ultrasonic sensors and bluetooth bridge have been delivered. Communication with Arduino is working.


The Arduino can detect the measured distance of a sensor and print it to the console
 * code partly from
#define trigPin 31
#define echoPin 33
void setup() {
  Serial.begin (9600);
  pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);
void loop() {
  long duration, distance;
  // To trigger the sensor a 10us HIGH signal is needed.
  // Create definite LOW for 2us 
  digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
  // Give it a HIGH for 10us
  digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
  // LOW again
  digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
  // Measure the pulse width of the incoming signal
  duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
  // Calculate the distance with given function
  distance = (duration/2) / 29.1;

  if (distance >= 400 || distance <= 0) {
    Serial.println("Out of range");
  else {
    Serial.println(" cm");
  // Wait a microsecond to start again
The Arduino can receive command via bluetooth and set an LED on or off
 * code partly from
char blueToothVal;           
void setup() {
  // Start a bluetooth connection via Serial1 ports
  // User the LED on pin 13
void loop() {
  // If data over Serial1 are received
  if(Serial.available()>0) {
    // Read the data;
  // If the data equal the letter 'n'
  if (blueToothVal=='n') {
    // Switch LED on
  // Else if the data equal the letter 'f'
  else if (blueToothVal=='f') {
    // Switch LED off
  // Wait 100ms
A computer can connect wirelessly to the Arduino and get the measured distance via bluetooth terminal
#define trigPin 31
#define echoPin 33
char blueToothVal;
void setup() {
 pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);
long getDistance() {
  long duration, distance;
  digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
  duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
  distance = (duration/2) / 29.1;
  if (distance >= 400 || distance <= 0){
      distance = getDistance();
  return distance;
void loop() {
  if(Serial.available()>0) {;
  if (blueToothVal=='x') {
    Serial.println(" cm");
  // Reset blueToothVal to any letter but 'x'
  blueToothVal = 'c';

The bluetooth module is found on the MacBook Pro as HC-06 in the list of available bluetooth devices. A connection can be established with Code '1234'.


In Terminal a list of all open serial ports can be shown via ' ls /dev/tty.* '.

/dev/tty.HC-06-DevB ' should be shown in the list. A serial console to the module can be established via ' screen /dev/tty.HC-06-DevB '.


To kill a running screen, press ctrl-a, afterwards crtl-\ (Yes: on German keyboard: ctrl-alt-shift-7), afterwards y.


Unfortunately the MacBook does not reconnect automatically after reset of the Arduino. The bluetooth module has to be unpaired and paired again to be usable again. Hopefully this will can be fixed somehow...


A much easier way of connecting via bluetooth is to use the Arduino Serial Monitor (Tools -> Serial Monitor).

It is now clear, how the module is handled by the MacBook Pro. Once paired, the HC-06 is always shown in the list of bluetooth devices as 'Not connected', unless an explicit connection is established. Establish a connection with a screen or the Serial Monitor. Once the connection is closed, HC-06 will be shown as 'Not connected' again. It is important to notice that the previous screen method has to be killed explicitly, not only closed, since there can only be one serial connection at once.

08.05.15 - Proposal Presentation


Error rendering macro 'viewppt'

com.atlassian.confluence.macro.MacroExecutionException: com.atlassian.confluence.macro.MacroExecutionException: The viewfile macro is unable to locate the attachment "Proposal presentation, lpe, lan, fma.pptx" on this page

07.05.15 - Meeting

Start:16:00 Attendees:







Protocol:lan (tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)

Click here for details... 

30.04.15 - Meeting

Start:16:00 Attendees:







Protocol:lpe (tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)

Click here for details... 

26.04.15 - Meeting

Start:17:30 Attendees:







Protocol:fma (tick)(tick) (tick)

Click here for details... 

23.04.15 - Meeting

Start:17:30 Attendees:







Protocol:lpe (tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)

Click here for details...

23.04.15 - Meeting

Start:16:00 Attendees:







Protocol:lpe (tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)

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